Project Personnel

Caragh FitzgeraldCaragh Fitzgerald, co-PI

Associate Extension Professor, Agriculture

University of Maine Cooperative Extension
125 State Street, Augusta, ME 04330-5692
Phone: 207.622.7546

Caragh Fitzgerald is an Extension Educator for Agriculture, working primarily in Kennebec County. Her work includes production of vegetables, corn silage, and other forages as well as season extension and soil health. In Kennebec, she teaches and manages the Master Gardener Volunteers program and the Harvest for Hunger produce donation program.


Rick Kersbergen, co-PI

Richard KersbergenExtension Professor, Sustainable Dairy and Forage Systems

University of Maine Cooperative Extension
992 Waterville Road, Waldo, ME 04915-3117
Phone: 207.342.5971

Research and Extension Interests:

  • Dairy Forage systems, including harvest and management of perennial forages, and reduced tillage and cover cropping in annual forage systems
  • Organic dairy production systems and nutrition
  • Pasture based livestock production systems
  • Farm safety programming
  • Soil health


George HamiltonGeorge Hamilton's picture

Fruit & Vegetable Production Field Specialist

University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension


George Hamilton joined UNH Cooperative Extension in 1989. George has direct responsibilities for working with commercial farm operations, both full and part-time, in the areas of vegetables, fruit, and Integrated Pest Management along some work in field crops and farm business management. Farm visits, office visits, phone consultations, meetings and demonstrations are used as a means of dispersing information to the agricultural community.