NOAA Awards Calderwood Lab $3.5M Towards Development of Weather Station Network

University of Maine awarded $3.5M for new statewide weather network

A weather station in a snowy wild blueberry field
Weather station in Searsport, Maine. – UMaine Extension photo (Calderwood Lab)

By Christian Harsa, December 9, 2024 (News Center Maine)

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has awarded the lab of the University of Maine’s Extension Wild Blueberry Specialist, Dr. Lily Calderwood, a $3.5M grant to install a statewide system of advanced weather stations, News Center Maine reports. 26 weather stations will be installed in areas of rural Maine over the summer of 2025 and will be used to collect climate data that farmers across all crops can use to make informed management decisions, including when to start scouting for specific pest species.

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