a mature Cranberry blossomworm larva feeding on cranberry foliage in a Maine cranberry bed
Cranberry blossomworm caterpillar (they can vary in body color but they all have a white stripe)
Cranberry blossomworm feeding on cranberry leaves in Maine
Cranberry is preferred, but here is a pair of Cranberry blossomworm larvae feeding on some wild blueberry leaves (wild blueberry was substituted in captivity for cranberry when cranberry wasn’t readily available)
Another view of Cranberry blossomworm larvae feeding on some wild blueberry leaves
Notes: This member of the cutworm group appears quite consistently each year on Maine cranberry beds, but rarely do its numbers—independent of other caterpillar pests—reach threshold levels [two exceptions to that occurred during the 2015 and 2019 seasons when numbers in