North Street Community Garden
Address: 149 North Street, Waterville, ME 04901
North St Community Garden is located in Waterville, Maine across from MaineGeneral Medical Center’s Emergency Department (149 North St) at the start of the North St Recreation Area Trail. There are 16 4’x8′ raised garden beds available for rent at $30* per bed. *The area’s food council, Healthy Northern Kennebec, typically covers this fee annually, making each garden bed free to rent on a first come, first serve basis. A shared tools library is available to all renters and water is delivered by Waterville Parks and Rec to a large water tank next to the shed. Feel free to visit any time or join our gardening community!
- Total Garden Size: 512 s.f.
- Plot Size: 4’x8′
- Plot Types: Low raised bed(<30″)
- Who can have a plot: Town residents and non-residents
- Part of Harvest for Hunger: No
- Fee charged: Yes
- Contact: Samantha Grenier
- Contact email: