Talking Points for Potential New Members

The Master Gardener Development Board (MGDB) meets at least three times a year at various locations across the State. In addition, there are meetings by telephone and there may be subcommittee work outside of regularly scheduled meetings. Most meetings are mid-day weekdays, but there are no requirements of specific times or places in the bylaws. Meetings are held in locations agreed to for mutual travel and timing convenience of the members (both staff and volunteer).

If selected, a person’s term lasts three years (the maximum term is two consecutive three-year terms).

The Board was formed in 2007 with the following purposes:

  • Support and expand the volunteer work and community outreach projects of Master Gardener Volunteers.
  • Support and assist the Master Gardener Volunteer program on a statewide basis.
  • Identify and develop funding sources to increase accessibility and opportunity for Master Gardener Volunteers to learn in a supportive environment.

The group is composed of a minimum of 7 and maximum of 15 members: at least 3 employees and the remaining majority will be UMaine Master Gardener Volunteers selected by an application process. From time to time the group accesses other Extension and University personnel to expand the knowledge and partnerships creating greater success in achieving the purposes expressed above.

— At the meetings, we discuss how the fund development is proceeding, brainstorm on new funding opportunities and actions and create strategies to fund raise. We also determine mechanisms to successfully appreciate those who have donated and attract more donations. The group reviews and evaluates applications for Master Gardener Volunteers project support, and selects and monitors awardees. The group distributed funds for the first time in 2012 and has continued to do so annually to support both volunteer projects and training scholarships.

The degree of involvement in different activities depends on the individual. All board members share a passion for the Master Gardener volunteer program and a desire to see it grow and succeed in Maine through direct involvement in increasing funding. For more information, see the Master Gardener Development Board website.