July 2024 4-H Newsletter
4-H Happenings
A monthly newsletter for Hancock County 4-H Members
Table of Contents
Upcoming Dates| County News | Club News | State News | Leaders Meeting Minutes
Upcoming Dates to Remember
July 4 – Office Closed for Holiday
July 5 – Office Closed
July 8 – Summer Learning Series Begins!
July 9 – Leader’s Meeting, 6:30 pm
July 15 – 4-H Sun Safety Workshop at the Ellsworth Public Library, 1:00 pm
July 19-21 – Maine 4-H Days at Windsor Fairgrounds
July 29 – 4-H Touch Tank at the Ellsworth Public Library, 1:00 pm
August 1-23 – Drop off 4-H exhibits at the Extension Office anytime during office hours (M-F, 8am-4pm)
*please plan to arrive by 4 pm as staff will not be staying late to receive projects*
August 26 – Last chance to drop off 4-H exhibits to the Extension Office by 4 pm
August 26 – Steer Tickets Due in Office
August 27 – Last chance to drop off exhibits to Blue Hill Fairgrounds 4-H Exhibit Hall at 12 pm
August 29 through September 2 – Blue Hill Fair
County News
June Jamboree
“I pledge … My Head to clearer thinking, My Heart to greater loyalty, My Hands to larger service, and My Health to better living for my club, my community, my country, and my world.”

The connections we witnessed throughout the weekend will encourage us to keep carefully planning, to keep inviting others in, to keep growing in our own journeys, and to plant seeds of encouragement for our volunteers (current and future) and for our 4-H youth so that we can continue to build more connected communities.
We had several families approach various staff members and thank us for such a fun event, as well as thank workshop leaders for their time and for sharing their expertise. Our hearts are beyond full and overflowing. Some expressed that they don’t usually get to talk to other adults at events, that their kids had never led a goat or ground-driven a draft horse, that they’d never experienced a touch tank…and here we were, trying our very best to meet these families right where they are, as they are…to provide these experiences.

We used our hearts to welcome others and plan fun things for today’s youth. We slowed down and spent time with families and volunteers, welcomed new faces, and expressed our gratitude to all of our volunteers and participants. The magic doesn’t happen without others.

Thank you to our participants who completed our feedback form. We will consider your suggestions for future 4-H June Jamborees! You can check out a slide show of the event!
New 4-H Aquaculture Community Education Assistant
We are excited to introduce you to the newest addition to the Hancock County team, Tess Hureau. Tess is the 4-H Aquaculture Community Education Assistant. She will be focused on creating and presenting aquaculture related programs for the community.

Tess graduated from the University of Maine in May this year with a degree in Marine Science with a concentration in aquaculture. In college, she was a part of the UMaine Crew Club and Marine Science Club. This past month, Tess has been teaching aquaponics activities to the campers at Camp Capella. She has also been busy setting up an aquarium in our very own office that will eventually be used to help teach aquaponics!
She is enthused to be a part of this team and meet all the fabulous folks that are involved with 4-H! She welcomes any questions you may have and can be reached at tess.hureau@maine.edu or by phone at (207) 667-8212.
Photo Scavenger Hunt!
Join our monthly newsletter photo scavenger hunt! We encourage all 4-Hers to be inspired by our monthly themes and snap the perfect pictures. Then, you can submit your photos on the photo contest webpage for a chance to be featured in the following month’s newsletter!
July Themes
- Lights in the Sky
- Watermelon Wonder
- Shades & Sunglasses
- Playing in Puddles
4-H Workshops

We’ve got two amazing workshops to check out this month at the Ellsworth Public Library. First up, Leah will host a sun safety experiment on July 15 from 1:00-2:00 pm. A couple of weeks later, on July 29 from 1:00-2:00 pm, Leah will bring the 4-H Touch Tank to the library for a Q&A session, so bring your questions!
Blue Hill Fair 4-H Exhibits-An Update
You asked, and we listened! No need to wait until the last minute to drop off exhibit items to the office or exhibit hall!
Starting Thursday, August 1 – Friday, August 23, you can deliver exhibit items, along with their required exhibit cards and entry form, to the Cooperative Extension office in Ellsworth. Items will not be accepted unless they are complete, so please check you have everything before making the drive. Our office hours are Monday – Friday, 8 am – 4 pm. Please plan to arrive before 4 pm as staff will not be able to stay after hours to accept exhibits.
Monday, August 26 at 4 pm – Last chance to drop off 4-H exhibits at Extension Office in Ellsworth
Tuesday, August 27 at 12 pm – Last chance to drop off exhibits at 4-H Exhibit Hall on the Blue Hill Fairgrounds
New Category for the 4-H Exhibit Hall!
Any exhibit that showcases a 4-H member’s scientific and research data or study. Present data from any science or research project the 4-H member has conducted and share results and conclusions. Example exhibits: a detailed report explaining the research question, hypothesis, methodology, data collected, analysis, and conclusion; a visual representation of the data, such as graphs, charts, tables, infographics, or art pieces (such as a temperature blanket); a concise summary of the project, including the main findings and significance of the research; and/or a science logbook, datasheets, or journal documenting the project’s progress, observations, and reflections.
Steer Tickets Have Arrived!
The Steer Ticket fundraiser is the premier fundraiser for the Hancock County 4-H Leaders’ Association. Tickets are $2 each; 30 cents go directly to the 4-H Club that sells the tickets, and $1.70 will go to the Leaders’ Association to support 4-H programming, scholarships, county events, and more. The Steer Ticket Raffle winner will receive a cut-to-order, freezer-ready Beef Steer raised by a Hancock County 4-H’er, OR $650 cash. The drawing is at 5 pm on Labor Day at the Blue Hill Fair. The 4-H Club AND the 4-H’er who sells the most tickets will receive an award at Cloverfest. Tickets are now available for pick up by 4-H’ers at the Extension Office. Steer ticket money must be returned to the Extension Office by August 26th or the thirty-cent club money per ticket will be forfeited! Steer tickets are not to be brought to the Blue Hill Fair. Also, remember that we cannot sell raffle tickets to people under 16 years old, and youth under 18 should not be handling money. Adults should not put youth’s names on the tickets.
Volunteers are needed for the 4-H Food Booth and Steer Ticket Table: We are calling all 4-H families!
The 4-H Food Booth and Steer Ticket Raffle are the two largest fundraisers for the Hancock County 4-H Leaders’ Association. The funds raised are used to support the 4-H programs you love all year long – Cloverfest, June Jamboree, Public Speaking, Style Revue, Leaders Banquet, and so much more! We rely on our strong 4-H community to deliver quality youth programs in Hancock County, and we are asking 4-H Clubs, Groups, Independents, and Parents/Guardians to volunteer their time during the Blue Hill Fair (August 29 – September 2). We need:
- Youth AND Adult Volunteers for the 4-H Food Booth: “Front” of the booth (taking orders, distributing food), and “Back” of the booth (cooking burgers, hot dogs, etc)
- Youth AND Adult Volunteers for the Steer Ticket Table: selling Steer Tickets to fairgoers. Adults needed to handle the money.
- Volunteering here is a requirement to win the Razor Crosman Award.
If you haven’t volunteered at the fair before, please consider contributing to this important cause this year! Contact the Extension Office or fill out the form on the webpage to sign up for a shift at the Food Booth and/or the Steer Ticket Table.
4-H Event Bingo
Hancock County 4-H is bringing something new to the table this year: 4-H Bingo! If you haven’t already seen them, you can check out our new bingo cards here. They’re a fun tool our youth can use to keep track of what events they can participate in throughout 4-H and win some useful prizes along the way! Congrats to our 4-H youth who have set goals and have collected prizes!
Club News
Horse of Course
Jr Leaders
The Jr. Leaders had their first meeting on June 8th. In our meeting, we talked about possible name ideas and brainstormed ideas for the Blue Hill Fair. In our next meeting, we hope to make a final decision on our club’s name and do some leadership activities. -Submitted by Lexi M
State News
- 4-H Summer Learning Series
Registration for the 4-H Summer Learning Series is in full swing! There are still several workshops available for youth to sign up for: Virtual Touch Tank, Fun in the Forest, and our Summertime Send-Off are still available. This year, workshops will run from July 5 – August 10, and there is something for everyone. Registration is currently open for all youth. - Maine 4-H State Dairy Show Registration is Open!
Maine 4-H invites you to participate in the 2024 Maine 4-H State Dairy Show! This year’s event will take place from July 19th to 21st at the Windsor Fairgrounds in conjunction with Maine 4-H Days. The contests are open to all 4-H dairy project members ages 9 and above and include a grilled cheese and milkshake cookoff, a dairy cattle fitting contest, and a dairy cattle show. For a complete schedule and registration information, visit extension.umaine.edu/4h/dairy/maine-4-h-state-dairy-show/.
For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, please contact Sadee Mehuren at 207.342.5971 or Allison Pollock at 207.781.6099. - Summer at 4-H Camps at Tanglewood and Blueberry Cove
The UMaine 4-H Camps at Blueberry Cove and Tanglewood have summer camp openings and scholarships to support Maine youth to attend. We are excited to connect 4-Hers to our programs.
Overnight camps and Discovery Trips, ages 8-15: Week-long programs at Tanglewood and Blueberry Cove or adventures along the Appalachian Trail or Downeast Farm Camp with Painted Pepper Farm.
Teen Leadership programs, ages 14-17: Two and three-week immersion trips to build leadership skills while exploring Maine’s beautiful natural areas via canoeing and backpacking.
We have scholarships available to cover up to 75% of the tuition for these programs. Funding is also available for first-time campers from National 4-H via CAMP III funds!
Check out programs online at umaine.edu/tanglewood, email emma.beaudry@maine.edu, or call 207.789.5868. - 4-H Tick Project
The 4-H Tick Project is a community science project engaging K-12 youth and educators, made possible through a partnership between 4-H Youth Development, UMaine Cooperative Extension Tick Lab, Maine Forest Tick Survey, and members of the Learning Ecosystems Northeast partnership. The project provides youth an opportunity to explore ticks and tick-borne diseases, which is a connected story of climate, ecosystem change, and public health.
All educators interested in teaching about ticks in Maine are encouraged to participate in the project at no cost to you. This is a great project for 4-H clubs, SPIN clubs, homeschool groups, and more. For more information and to register, visit the 4-H Tick Project webpage.
- 4-H Summer Learning Series
Leaders Meeting Minutes
June Leaders Meeting Minutes will be included in the August 2024 4-H Newsletter. Thank you for your patience!