Core Module Quiz 4
Core 4 - The Pesticide Label Practice Quiz
Mark whether the statement is true or false, or select the option that most accurately answers the question.
1. The label is _____.
a. a binding legal document
b. instructions necessary to prevent unreasonable harm
c. the law
d. All the above
2. Read the label before you _____ a pesticide.
a. apply
b. buy
c. mix
d. All the above
3. Which of the following is TRUE?
a. All licensed applicators can apply restricted-use products.
b. Only commercial applicators can use restricted-use products.
c. Restricted-use products can cause unreasonable adverse effects to human health or the environment without additional training, education, or restriction.
d. Restricted-used products are safe for the general public to apply as long as they read the label.
4. To prevent resistance, switch between products with different ____.
a. active ingredients
b. application methods
c. brand names
d. modes of action
5. In addition to harming the environment and exceeding tolerances, failing to follow mixing instructions may result in _____.
a. phytotoxicity
b. wasted product
c. clogging the application equipment
d. all the above
6. Which of the following is TRUE?
a. If the pest isn’t listed on the label, you can’t use the product for that pest.
b. If the site/crop isn’t listed on the label, you can’t use the product for that site/crop.
c. Both of these.
d. Neither of these.
7. Applying more pesticide than the label rate is ____.
a. a good financial decision
b. good for getting those tough pests
c. illegal
d. necessary to overcome resistance
8. Store pesticides in _____.
a. a cool, dry, well-ventilated area
b. the basement
a. under the sink
d. a and c
9. Dispose of pesticides _____.
a. according to label directions
b. by burning
c. by burying
d. by dumping them out back
10. Which products have label-mandated training?
a. Deltathion products
b. Neem products
c. Paraquat products
d. Pyrethrin products
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Core Module Quiz 4