Outdoor Family Adventures

Presented by Maine SAM and UMaine Extension 4-H

For families with youth ages 7-18

2273 North Belfast Ave., Augusta, Maine

Dates and topics
All Programs 3:00-5:00 PM

January 31: Bird Language and Nature Awareness
February 28:  Useful Trees and Plants of Winter
March 28: Responsible Fire Making
April 25: Useful Trees & Plants of Spring

Be prepared for the weather! We will be outside!

  • Safety is always top of our lists, in 2021 it looks a little different. Before you come, here are some things you should know!
  •  Masks will be worn throughout the program unless at great enough distance as established by the course educator.
  • Social distancing is a way of life this winter/spring, there will be tons of space so this will be easy. Keep your family pod at minimum of 6 feet from another pod.
  • BYO-Everything. Bring your own camp chairs, water, snacks, warm clothing. Be prepared for being outside.
  • If any participants are not feeling well, it is advised that you not attend the program that day.
  • While we certainly do our best with the outlined precautions, the University cannot guarantee that you will not contract COVID-19 if you attend an in-person program and that participants assess and accept the risks for themselves.

Register Online

For more information or a reasonable accommodation, please contact Alisha Targonski at 207.622.7546 or alisha.r.targonski@maine.edu.