2019 September PCEA-EC Minutes

 Minutes: Piscataquis County Extension Association Executive Committee Meeting  9/9/2019, 3-5 pm

Present: Members: Beth McEvoy, Karen Murphy, Carole Boothroyd, Gretchen Huettner, George McKay

Staff: Trisha Smith, Kate Garland via ZOOM

Call to Order– President Beth McEvoy called the meeting to order at 3:00 pm.


  • Minutes of the 8/12/2019 meeting were approved. Motion to approve: Gretchen. Second: George. Vote: unanimous yes.
  • The Treasurer’s Report was approved, with no corrections. Motion to approve: George. Second: Gretchen. Vote: unanimous yes.

Gleaning Update from Kate Garland

Kate described how the gleaning program works in Penobscot County. She says that gleaners in Penobscot County work the local Farmers’ Markets, where they politely ask for donations at the end of the day and transport food to distribution centers. For field gleaning, a critical role is played by team leaders, who meet with the farmers ahead of time to get the lay of the land and ascertain the farmer’s needs and then direct the gleaners on site. Most of their gleaning in the field involves apples. Kate notes that field gleaning is harder to coordinate, but yields a lot of produce. All gleaning requires good documentation of donations and a letter-head sent to donors, documenting total donations at the end of the year.

The Piscataquis Committee has questions about liability for volunteer gleaners, particularly if youth are involved and will ask Donna to get details Trisha reports that the plan is to start with one farm this fall. Date and farm TBA.

Program Updates

 4-H Program Update- Sheila Norman

  • The Silent Auction at the Piscataquis Fair is the most successful to date, with 69 donated items and over $1500 raised for the scholarship fund.
  • Tractor Supply donated a box of baseball hats that were offered for a donation at the fair and raised almost $200 for the leaders’ association general use account. It’s planned to use the money to repair or replace display cases in the Bell Building.
  • Eastern States Exposition will start soon. Susannah will participate with the dairy team. Piscataquis 4-H members and chaperones plan to take the free bus to the fair on 9/21. The bus ride and a meal at the 4-H dorm are provided by the 4-H Foundation and ESE. Seats are still available.

Home Horticulture Report – Trisha Smith 

  • Master Gardiner Volunteers have their final exam on 9/24.
  • Piscataquis Passport Project- Trisha is working to make this an official club, with its own bank account. Passport families are invited to meet on 9/19 to elect officers and plan for school year programs.
  • Piscataquis Regional Food Center/Dover-Foxcroft Area Food Cupboard- the food cupboard begins food distribution from PRFC on Friday 9/13 and will continue on the second and fourth Fridays, 9 am-noon and 1-3 pm. There is an area set aside to provide recipes and helpful information.
  • The new Free Produce Stand is being used regularly. Trisha estimates about 100 lbs of food have been donated.
  • Voices from Home Oral History Project- Trisha plans to integrate oral history with Passport Project activities over the school year.
  • Fall Programs- Plan Next Year’s Garden Now is at PHEC on October 7 and Trisha is meeting with Superintendent Shorey and others at Sedomocha about incorporating the garden into more classrooms and encouraging cooperation between middle and elementary garden programs.

 Unfinished Business

  • The Cooperative Extension Annual Meeting is on October 22, 5:30-8 pm. The meeting will present a Brewery Tour and Fermentation Talk at Three Rivers Brewery and Taproom in Milo. The committee discussed a soup and appetizers buffet to be ordered from Elaine’s Café. The cost per person is $15. Agreed on a $400 total budget for the whole annual meeting.

New Business

  • Dean Hannah Carter will visit Piscataquis County on October 3. The Executive Committee is invited to meet the Dean over lunch, noon-1 pm. Beth volunteered to bring soup; Carole will bring salad and dressing; the office will provide bread and desserts and beverages.
  • The committee accepted David Bridges resignation from the Executive Committee, with regret.
  • Gretchen submitted a request for $28.26 for a display lattice at the Bell Building. The request was tabled by the president, due to lack of a quorum.

The meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm. Next meeting:  October 7, 2019, at Piscataquis County Extension Office, Dover-Foxcroft 3-5 pm.

Submitted by Carole Boothroyd, Secretary 9/23/2019