2022 January PCEA-EC Minutes

Minutes: Piscataquis County Extension Association Executive Committee Meeting January 10, 2022, at 3 p.m. By Zoom


  • Members: Beth McEvoy, George McKay, Rick Cabot, Judy Cross and Kim Merrit
  • Staff: Donna Coffin, Sheila Norman, and Laurie Bowen
  • Guest: Sarah Robinson

Call to Order

  • Introductions
    • Staff (title, program areas, and fun fact)
    • Executive Committee members (town, interests, and fun fact)

Introduction of topic & speaker –

Veterinary Forensic Pathology and One Health 

Dr. Nanny Wenzlow, is a board-certified anatomic pathologist veterinarian with a DVM degree from Belgium and residency training from Switzerland and the UK. After a few months of private diagnostic pathology service in the UK, Dr. Wenzlow joined the University of Florida initially as clinical instructor for anatomic pathology, then pursued a PhD program in molecular forensics pathology. She also completed a ‘one-time-created’ two-year fellowship for veterinary forensic pathology and is the first certificate holder for veterinary forensic pathology in North America. Dr. Wenzlow has been an Assistant Professor at the University of Montreal for three years and is with the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, Orono, Maine since September 2021.

Followed by questions. We had 26 folks present (5 m:21 f)

A link to her presentation.


Business Meeting

  • Introduction of potential new member
    • Welcome to Kim Merritt
  • Secretary’s Report – Motion made and seconded to accept
  • Treasurer’s Report
  • Transactions
  • Cash Flow


Unfinished Business

  • Office options for open days
    • The county did not vote to increase our funding to cover increased costs.
    • Anette’s hours will be reduced as a result of our flat funding.
    • Donna has sent documentation to UMaine, as the reduction in hours will be handled as a layoff.
  • We will be open 3 and a half days instead of 4 days. The executive committee and UMaine funding will cover the half-day, otherwise, we would be open for 3 days. The hope is that the county will fund the half-day next year.
  • Non Discrimination Sign Off form (please print and sign or email Donna that you agree with the sign-off.
    • EC members only need to send Donna an email saying that they agree with the non-discrimination statement every year. Printing and signing the form is not needed.


New Business

  • 2022 Program Plans
    • Laurie will be doing an in-person pressure canning demonstration on Jan. 22 from 9-11 at the Congregational Church in Dover. There is a 7 person limit due to the size of the canner and for social distancing. Masking will be required.
    • Staff can enter upcoming events in the 2022 Program Plans document.
    • To be safe, you really need to acidify tomatoes before canning.
    • So, You Want to Farm in Maine will be offered in February, offered through BrightSpace. Half will be farmers and half will be students.
    • There will be a course on winter care of horses offered on February 1 from noon until 2. Beth and Judy are working on this. There will be a class winter care of camelids on February 15.
  • Other
    • Kim Merritt has agreed to join the EC. She was officially welcomed. She will email Donna with personal information.
    • Sarah Robinson said that there will be a soil health workshop at the Law Farm on May 21. Sarah works at the Soil and Water Conservation District and would like to partner with Extension and 4-H in the future.


Next meeting: March 14th business meeting. -Meeting will be by Zoom only 

We will be meeting every other month (odd months) in 2022 at 3 pm by Zoom and live when possible.