Episode 38: The Maine Ag Trades Show with Kevin Woltemath

Recorded in front of live studio audience. On this episode of the Maine Farmcast, Colt and Glenda set up shop on the main stage of the the Maine Agricultural Trades Show in Augusta, Maine on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 to record a live show with Kevin Woltemath of Pineland Natural Meats to discuss his journey through agriculture, his work with beef producers in the Pine Tree State, his involvement with the Maine agricultural industry over the last 20 years and his thoughts on the future of agriculture in Maine. Kevin is an active member of the Maine Agricultural Community working with Ag Com, the Maine Beef Producers Association, Agricultural Fairs, the University of Maine and much more.

Correction – I mistakenly said Mr. Woltemath received the MBPA Hall of Fame Award but he was too polite to correct me during the podcast. He actually won the MBPA Service Award.

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