2018 May

May 7, 2018

[Note: Decisions in italic]

Call to Order: Katy called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM.
Members Attending: Anna, Jodie, David, Anne R., Katy, Mary Ann, Matthew, Samara
Members Absent: Ken, Eric, Anne D., Theresa
Staff Attending: Rick, Viña

Minutes of April Meeting

One correction was noted — substituting Linda Bonin for Cindy Rogers on page 3 under the guest sharing section.  On a motion by Dave, seconded by Matthew, the minutes were approved unanimously with this one correction.

Financial Report

Anne R. shared the Financial Report through April 30.  There were no issues of concern to discuss.  On a motion by Jodie, seconded by Anna, the financial report was approved as presented.

Review of RLD Evaluations

Copies of the evaluations were distributed.  It was agreed that these would be best focused on in November when starting to prepare for next spring.

Nominating Committee Report

A working draft of members continuing and regions represented was distributed.  Region 6 (Belmont, Northport, Lincolnville and Islesboro) needs representation from a new member.  A discussion of potential new members ensued:

Viña will ask Glenn Widmer, Sadie Mehuren or Darcy ? from the Gardening Program.

Dave will ask Kate Hall of Graze Microgreens from Northport to join.

Jodie will ask Maia or Jacob at After the Fall Farm in Montville.

Rick will ask Tom or Lindsay Hodgman.

Viña will ask Jenny Judkins from the Game Loft, related to 4-H.

Jodie will ask Phoenix O’Brien or Megan ?

Dave will ask Octan Askin or Erin McWalters from Thorndike.

Everyone will be asked about meeting preferences/problems to make setting the regular meeting date easier at the Annual Meeting.

Plastics Sub-Committee Report

Dave reported that the group that expressed interest at the winter event was meeting on June 20 at the Extension Office at 1:00 PM to continue the discussion. All are encouraged to attend.

Scholarship Update

Katy reported that Emma Mehuren was selected as the winner.  The award will be announced at the May 16 4-H Foundation Annual Meeting.

4-H Recruitment

Anne D. has an idea to share. This was tabled until the next meeting when Anne could be present.

Annual Meeting

Will be held on September 18th at approximately 5:00 PM at Faithful Venture Farm (17 Borough Road) in Searsmont.

Letter to Extension Leadership Team

A response has not been received from the letter send regarding assigning an additional 4-H position to Waldo County. There is rumored to be no funding available at this time but it seems that more pressure should be applied to be make sure that the request is treated as a high priority.


The meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM.