WCEA Meeting Minutes – September 2024

WCEA Meeting
September 26, 2024

Present: Inez Lombardo, Jen Lobley, Tara Wood (notetaker), Tori Jackson, Hannah Carter, Cathy Lookabaugh, Becca Whitney, Gabby Brodek, Nick MacDonald, Lisa Phelps, Rachel White, Jason Palomo

Welcome back from summer break and introductions were made. Several members are missing from the meeting tonight. Heidi Hinkley has resigned from WCEA.

Dean Carter announced that a sprinkler system plan was in place for the O’Brien House so the second floor can reopen for office space. It comes in at an estimate of $200,000. UMaine will pay 1⁄3, UMaine Machias will pay 1⁄3 and Cooperative Extension will pay the remaining 1⁄3. The agreement has been signed. Although the timeline is not complete, they are hopeful that it will be completed by winter. Staff will have temporary offices or work remote for a two-week timeframe.

Dean Carter also updated WCEA about the following:

● Kerry Chasteen, newly hired Executive Director of Extension Operations, will focus on
support of counties.
● Need assessment completed and being used to make future decisions
● Many of the Orono staff moved to Estabrooke Hall, 4th floor
● UMaine is beginning a Strategic Re-envisioning

Nick asked for the updated organization chart. Action step: Dean Carter will send it to Tara and she will send it out.

Secretary’s Report– no quorum

Treasurer’s Report– no quorum

Staff Program Highlights
Rachel working on reappointment packet, no report.
Maine Sheep School in Freeport
Program development
Awarded a grant for disease preparedness- biosecurity, proper care to prevent disease
Upcoming- goat workshops in spring
Downeast Ag & Forestry Conference- farmer panels, service providers, stronger networks in food systems downeast in March 2025

Summer programming was busy! Report includes photos.
123 hours volunteered at WA Garden!
The Washington County Fair is well loved.

Maine 4-H Days
Took four teens to True Leaders in Equity in Washington DC
Summer of Science at Blueberry Harvest School-teen teachers at Cherryfield Elementary, Mano envMano learning setting for children of migrant workers
Upcoming…Maine Coast Heritage Trust, outdoor exploration and career path exploration for teens at $15/hr

Budget Update
Nick and Gabby attended the first meeting of the budget committee. Nongovernmental requests were the focus of that meeting. We are a governmental request. More meetings are coming in October.

Staff Updates
Vanessa resigned. Alex Gayton is hopeful that the position will be filled in Washington County.
Deb retired. David Lowe is supporting the Master Gardener Volunteers and answering gardening questions for Washington County. He is located in Aroostook. Nick asked about the possibility of bringing the MGV position back to Washington County. Tori spoke about the new structure of the horticulture team. Professionals covering two-four counties statewide. Action step: Nick and Tara to work together to put together findings and needs of the Washington County MGV Program.

Annual Meeting Discussion
Tabled until more committee members in attendance. Determine the 2025 date soon so that people can save it. Note: Avoid Hannah’s birthday weekend

Future Meeting Dates
The third Thursday of the month often falls at the same time as the Hancock County meeting. It is difficult for Rachel to be at both meetings. Action step: Nick to send a Doodle poll for future meeting dates.