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York County Farmers Agritourism Seminar

February 19 @ 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm

| $10


Dr. Jason Entsminger, UMaine Business School

Jason S. Entsminger, PhD, is a faculty member in the Maine Business School and in UMaine Cooperative Extension. His research focuses on how rural entrepreneurs and those in the food system use collective action to create and capture new value. In the classroom, Dr. Entsminger teaches courses on venture startup, entrepreneurial ecosystems, and business strategy. His PhD was awarded by the University of Missouri in the field of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Dr. Entsminger is nationally recognized for his research and Extension work in agritourism.

 Dr. Mariam Taleb, Maine Department of Agriculture,Conservation and Forestry

Mariam is the Farm Viability and Farmland Protection Specialist for Maine DACF. In addition to their experience as an agricultural service provider, they have been a farmworker, farm manager, and educator on urban and rural organic farms across the Northeast. They earned a B.A. in English & Sustainable Food and Farming from UMass and a Ph.D. from Penn State in the political ecology of invasive species.



The whole cost: Challenges of adding agritourism to your business model. Agritourism can be a great tool to diversify and grow revenue streams, to create community space, and to break up some of the isolation of farming. However, the challenges of agritourism enterprises don’t often get as much attention as they deserve. In this session, Mariam will discuss those challenges, how to overcome them, and how to know when agritourism isn’t right for you.”

Top Tips More Producers Should Know for Success in Agritourism | In this session, Dr. Entsminger will present key insights for agritourism enterprise success and agritourism’s role in market strategy, drawn from emerging research and Cooperative Extension’s body of expertise. Included are new insights from a national survey of agritourism operations and a facilitated conversation to stimulate ideas on how agritourism and recreation activities can be part of growing new revenue streams and building a brand for Maine agricultural operations.


Dinner is included in this event.

Please register here


February 19
5:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Dr. Ankit Singh
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University of Maine Cooperative Extension York County
45 Kennebunk Road
Alfred, ME 04002 United States
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207.324.2814 or 1.800.287.1535 (in Maine)
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