Tracey Ferwerda

Tracey FerwerdaPublications Manager/Graphic Designer
15 Estabrooke Drive, Orono, ME 04469
Phone:  207.581.3269

Tracey manages the sales and distribution of UMaine Extension’s catalog-level educational content to the general public, as well as to our staff. Tracey also works with staff in the development of new publications. As the organization’s publications content manager, her duties include reviewing existing content, identifying gaps in content, and working with staff to fill content voids.

She provides guidance to, and assists staff with obtaining copyright permissions, and is responsible for requests from outside entities that want to use content from UMaine Extension’s catalog publications.

Tracey is also Extension’s graphic designer. Her duties include designing and developing educational materials in a variety of formats, such as annual reports, brochures, impact statements, and promotional flyers. Tracey also works with staff ensuring that their content meets all brand standards for UMaine Extension’s mission and organizational image.


  • Associates Degree, University of Maine, 1983
  • Bachelor’s Degree, University of Maine, Public Administration, 2004

Professional Organizations:

  • Association for Communication Excellence (ACE). Member (2001 – present)
  • Served as ACE State Rep (2009-2011, 2014-2019)
  • Membership Director (2012-2014)