
UMaine Extension produces statewide newsletters on a variety of topics. For information on newsletters available from county offices, check the county office listing.

Cows and Crops Newsletter: Free e-mail newsletter providing production and research information to Maine’s dairy and forage producers. Information includes upcoming events. To subscribe, visit our Cows & Crops Subscription Form.

Eat Well Newsletter: Free online newsletter available in PDF format for easy viewing and printing. Includes timely articles along with delicious, money-saving recipes for healthy eating and living.

Maine Beef Newsletter: Free e-mail newsletter. A collaboration between the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, and the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association. It includes timely topics of interest to beef producers in Maine as well as upcoming programs and events for beef producers. Subscription information.

Maine Farm News: Free e-mail newsletter. Provides timely information twice a month on the production and marketing of crops and livestock grown in Maine. Upcoming events and programs of interest are also included. Subscription form.

Maine Extension Homemakers Newsletter: a free, quarterly online newsletter for Maine Extension Homemakers.

Maine Families in Knox County Newsletter: A quarterly newsletter with the most up-to-date information on what is happening within the Maine Families in Knox County program. Subscribe to receive an email notification when the newsletter is posted.

Maine Home Garden News: a free, online newsletter for home gardeners. Subscribe to receive an email notification when the newsletter is posted.

The Maine Tree Fruit Pest Newsletter provides information, via email, on the biology and management of insect pests and diseases that affect apples, peaches, and other stone fruit. In addition to general reference information on treatment methods and timing, the newsletter provides current and forecast status reports for the disease infection period timings and severity and insect pest life-stage events that are important for optimizing the timing of pest scouting and treatment actions. This newsletter is provided free of charge and you can subscribe by contacting Glen Koehler at email

Pest Alert
Published weekly during the summer for commercial potato growers. For subscription information, contact Sean McAuley at email

The Somerset Newsflash is a free, monthly newsletter sent via email, featuring upcoming events and timely bulletins of interest to residents of Somerset County and beyond. To subscribe, email Emily Collins,, and ask to receive the newsletter.

Spoonful: Bite-Sized Food & Nutrition Information
This blog focuses on feeding you bite-sized food and nutrition information that is science-based and applicable to your life. The Spoonful bloggers are University of Maine Cooperative Extension staff members with knowledge of food and nutrition. If you’re interested in subscribing to receive email notifications about Spoonful, complete and submit Spoonful’s online form.

Spotted Wing Drosophila Update
For subscription information, contact or call 207.933.2100.

Strawberry IPM Newsletter
For subscription information, contact or call 207.933.2100.

Sweet Corn IPM Newsletter
For subscription information, contact or call 207.933.2100.

Wild Blueberry Newsletter
A monthly newsletter for commercial blueberry growers. To subscribe, use our online form or call 581.2892 or 1.800.287.0274; 581.2923 or 1.800.897.0757.