An Thuy Nguyen
Historian and Labor Education Professional
5713 Chadbourne Hall, Room 200, Orono, ME 04469
Telephone: 207.581.4127
Dr. An T. Nguyen supports the Bureau of Labor Education as a historian, researcher, and lecturer. She develops curriculum, teaches courses, drafts grants, conducts research, and writes on topics relevant to history, globalization, labor, and women’s activism. She helps coordinate and provide specialized programs for academic students, worker organizations, public officials, and labor constituents.
As a historian, Dr. Nguyen specializes in the history of U.S. foreign relations, modern U.S. and Asian history, and women’s and gender studies. Her historical research focuses on American foreign policies, conflict resolution, democratic governance, and the political activism of women, students, religious communities, and labor activists in the United States and Vietnam during the 20th century.
Selected academic publications:
• “Foreword: Conservative Discourse in Gilded Age America.” In Charles Scontras’ Final Writing. Orono: Bureau of Labor Education, 2024. Forthcoming.
• “Review of Luu, Trinh M. and Tuong Vu, eds., Republican Vietnam, 1963-1975: War, Society, Diaspora.” H-Diplo, H-Net Reviews. June 20, 2024.
• “Remembering Ngô Vĩnh Long, Renowned Scholar of Vietnam and Antiwar Activist.” Critical Asian Studies 55, no. 1 (2023): 156-167. Co-author with Douglas Allen.
• “Nguyễn Thị Bình (b. 1927): “The Fire and Flower of the Revolution.” In The Palgrave Handbook of Communist Women Activists around the World. Edited by Francisca de Haan. New York: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
• “Review of Buchanan, Sherry, On The Ho Chi Minh Trail: The Blood Road, the Women Who Defended It, The Legacy.” Pacific Affairs 95, no. 4, (December 2022): 875-877.
• “The Vietnam Women’s Movement for the Right to Live: A Non-Communist Opposition Movement to the American War in Vietnam (1970-1975).” Critical Asian Studies 51, no. 1 (2019): 75-102.
• “Review of Dror, Olga, Making Two Vietnams: War and Youth Identities, 1965-1975.” H-War, H-Net Reviews. August 2019.
- Ph.D., History, The University of Maine, 2023
Concentrations: U.S. Foreign Relations; Vietnamese History; Political Activism in 20th century - M.A., History, University of Maine
Concentrations: Asian History; Women’s History and Gender Studies - B.A., Economics and International Studies (double-major), Capital University
Concentration: Peace and Conflict Resolution
Minor: History
Professional Organizations:
- Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations (SHAFR)
- American Historical Society (AHA)
- United Association for Labor Educators (UALE)
- Association for Asian Studies (AAS)
- Vietnam Studies Group (VSG)
- National Women’s Studies Association (NWSA)