David Handley

David Handley

Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist
Highmoor Farm
P.O. Box 179, Monmouth, ME 04259-0179
Phone: 207.485.0915
Email:  david.handley@maine.edu

David T. Handley is a Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist and a Cooperating Professor of Horticulture for the University of Maine. He has been based at Highmoor Farm, the Maine Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station in Monmouth, Maine, since 1983, where he carries out applied research regarding berry and vegetable variety evaluation, production techniques and pest management strategies. He coordinates statewide integrated pest management (IPM) programs for strawberries and sweet corn. Dr. Handley is the author of numerous Extension fact sheets, articles and newsletters, and co-editor of two regional small fruit production guides.


  • B.S. Cum Laude Plant and Soil Science, 1980, University of Massachusetts
  • M.S. Plant Science, University of New Hampshire, 1983
  • Ph. D. Plant Science, University of New Hampshire, 1993

Work-related Certificates:

  • Certified Pesticide Applicator License (private)

Professional Organizations:

  • National Association of County Agricultural Agents
  • American Society for Horticultural Science
  • North American Strawberry Growers Association
  • Maine IPM Council