Jaime Garzon

Jaime Garzon staff directory photo

Assistant Extension Professor and Dairy Forage Educator
5735 Hitchner Hall, Room 136, Orono, Maine 04469-5735
Telephone: 207.581.2956
Email: jaime.garzon@maine.edu

Originally from Bogota (Colombia), Dr. Jaime Garzon graduated as Zootechnician (B.S. in Animal Sciences) and got a master’s degree in Animal Production at the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, advised by Dr. Edgar Cardenas Rocha. His research project evaluated the performance of cool and warm-season forages and greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. During that time, Dr. Garzon also participated in two internships at the Instituto Nacional de Investigacion Agropecuaria (Uruguay), advised by Dr. Veronica Ciganda, and the UF North Florida Research and Education Center (Marianna, FL), advised by Dr. Nicolas diLorenzo, working with pastures, rangelands, and livestock management. In 2018, Dr. Garzon was awarded the Fulbright-ICETEX Pasaporte a la Ciencia scholarship, which allowed him to start his Ph.D. in Agronomy at the University of Florida, advised by Dr. Joao Vendramini. His dissertation evaluated the ecosystem services provided by bahiagrass pastures overseeded with aeschynomene, a warm-season legume adapted to soils with poor drainage.

Finally, Dr. Garzon became an Assistant Extension Professor and Dairy Forage Educator at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension in 2022. His extension program seeks to develop and conduct educational outreach and applied research with emphasis on dairy forage production and regenerative pasture management, in the New England dairy industry.


  • Ph.D. in Agronomy. University of Florida. 2022.
  • Master in Animal Production. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. 2018.
  • B.S. in Animal Sciences. Universidad Nacional de Colombia. 2011.

Professional Organization:

  • American Society of Agronomy. United States.
  • Crop Science Society of America. United States.
  • Golden Key International Honor Society. United States.
  • Latinoamerican Association of Animal Production. International.
  • Animal Nutrition Research Group. Universidad Nacional de Colombia.