Spring Malting Barley Variety Trial 2019 Results

Malting Barley Variety Trial 2019 Results (PDF)

Ellen Mallory and Tom Molloy, University of Maine Cooperative Extension

Twenty-eight varieties of two- and six-row spring malting barley and one feed barley were trialed at two locations in Maine in 2019 (Table 1). The trials were conducted in collaboration with 9 other institutions as part of the Eastern Spring Barley Nursery project (ESBN), organized by North Dakota State University and funded in part by the Brewers Association.

Table 1. Spring malting varieties evaluated in Old Town and Mapleton, Maine in 2019.
Variety Type Years in Maine Trials Developer
AAC Connect 2-row 1 Meridian Seeds
AAC Synergy 2-row 5 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Brandon)
Accordine 2-row 2 Ackermann (Germany)
Cerveza 2-row 2 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Brandon)
Crescendo 2-row 2 Secobra (France)
Esma 2-row 3 Ackermann (Germany)
Explorer 2-row 1 Secobra (France)
Fangio 2-row 1 Secobra (France)
Iconic 2-row 1 Secobra (France)
Klarinette 2-row 1 Secobra (France)
KWS Amadora 2-row 1 KWS (Germany)
KWS Fantex 2-row 4 KWS (Germany)
KWS Tinka 2-row 3 KWS (Germany)
LCS Genie 2-row 4 Limagrain Cereal Seeds
LCS Odyssey 2-row 4 Limagrain Cereal Seeds
ND Genesis 2-row 5 North Dakota State University
Newdale 2-row 5 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Brandon)
Pinnacle 2-row 5 North Dakota State University
Robust 6-row 4 University of Minnesota
Sangria 2-row 3 Ackermann (Germany)
Tradition 6-row 5 Busch Agricultural Resources, LLC
2ND32529 2-row 2 North Dakota State University
2ND34634 2-row 1 North Dakota State University
2ND34954 2-row 2 North Dakota State University
2ND35530 2-row 2 North Dakota State University
2ND35693 2-row 1 North Dakota State University
80675-52 2-row 1 Secobra (France)
AAC Starbuck 2-row, hulless, feed 1 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (ECORC)


The trials were conducted at the University of Maine Rogers Research Farm, in Old Town, and Buck Farms in Mapleton. The locations were managed using organic practices in Old Town and conventional practices in Mapleton. Agronomic practices for both locations are described in Table 2. Agronomic and basic grain quality data were collected by the University of Maine and grain samples were submitted to North Dakota State University for comprehensive grain quality analysis.

Seed lots for a number of the varieties had low germination. Where possible, additional seed lots were included in the trial and are indicated with a “-2” after the variety name.

Table 2. Agronomic practices in Old Town and Mapleton, Maine in 2019.
Old Town Mapleton
Previous Crop Potato Potato
Soil Type Nicholville very fine sandy loam Caribou gravely loam
pH 6.2 5.9
Pre-plant Fertility 16 tons/acre solid dairy manure (approx. 50 lb/acre of nitrogen) 340 lb/acre of 19-0-19 at planting
Planting Date, Rate May 7, 1.45 million live seeds/acre May 24, 1.45 million live seeds/acre
Topdress Nitrogen June 4, 124 lb/acre Chilean nitrate
(20 lb/acre of nitrogen)
Weed Control May 31, cultivation and tine harrow June 24, 2-4D (1 pt/acre), Treaty Extra (0.6 oz/acre), and NIS (1.5 pt/100 gal)
Fungicide None July 23, Prosaro (6.5 oz/acre)
Harvest Date August 7 September 1


Monthly average weather conditions are presented in Table 3, agronomic results in Table 4, and grain quality results in Table 5. For each column in Table 4 and Table 5, the greatest value is indicated with underlining and bold type. Varieties that are not significantly different from the greatest value are also in bold type. The site average, least significant difference (LSD), and coefficient of variation (CV) appear at the bottom of each column. The LSD is the minimum difference needed between two varieties to consider them statistically different at a 95% confidence level. The CV measures the variability of the data, which influences how easy it is to detect the difference among the varieties.  For some of the grain quality parameters in Table 5, tests were only run on composite samples, without replication, so statistics could not be run.

Several varieties had stands well below the intended 1.45 million plants/acre at both locations and have been indicated by a star (Table 4).  Low plant populations could have negatively impacted the outcome for these varieties and should be considered when interpreting the results.

Table 3. Monthly rainfall totals and average temperatures in Old Town and Caribou in 2019.
† The weather station in Caribou is approximately 20 miles from the Mapleton site. 30-year norms are from 1981 to 2010.
Total Rainfall (inches) Temperature (F)
Old Town Caribou Old Town Caribou
Month 2019 30-yr avg. 2019 30-yr avg. 2019 30-yr avg. 2019 30-yr avg.
April 3.8 3.8 4.8 2.5 41 41 38 39
May 3.0 3.8 3.2 3.4 49 53 49 52
June 3.6 4.1 2.9 3.4 60 62 60 61
July 1.9 3.6 2.5 3.7 69 67 69 66
August 6.4 3.3 2.5 3.7 65 66 65 64
Total 18.8 18.6 15.9 16.7

Table 4. Agronomic characteristics of malting barley varieties grown in Old Town and Mapleton in 2019. Entries marked * had low plant stands.
† Yield is reported at 13.5% moisture.
‡ Measured at harvest.
§ 1 = none to 9 = high.
# on a scale from 1 = 0% emerged to 5 = 100% emerged.
≠Target population was 33 plants/ft2.
Grain Moisture‡ (%)
Foliar Disease Severity (1-9) §
Spike Emergence (1-5) #
Stand Count ≠ (#/ft2)
Heading date (days after 5/31)
Old Town
Old Town
Old Town
Old Town
Old Town
Old Town
AAC Connect 71 85 15.4 2.7 5 5 35 29 31
AAC Synergy 76 94 15.7 2.0 5 5 40 32 32
Accordine 59 76 17.1 4.7 5 5 18 15 34
Cerveza 76 90 15.2 2.7 5 5 28 30 31
Crescendo* 45 73 27.0 3.3 4 5 11 12 38
Esma 73 95 15.3 2.7 5 5 29 24 31
Explorer 73 81 15.7 3.0 5 5 44 30 33
Fangio* 56 61 22.1 3.3 5 5 11 10 35
Iconic* 53 80 16.5 3.0 5 5 16 11 34
Klarinette 59 81 16.0 4.0 5 5 24 21 33
KWS Amadora 53 80 16.1 6.0 4 5 20 14 32
KWS Fantex 51 88 16.8 3.3 5 5 20 15 34
KWS Tinka 80 75 15.8 2.3 5 5 26 20 32
KWS Tinka-2 80 87 15.5 3.0 5 5 36 29 30
LCS Genie 49 86 15.8 5.0 5 5 35 31 34
LCS Odyssey* 57 82 16.2 5.7 4 5 20 13 34
ND Genesis 77 80 15.4 2.3 5 5 43 25 28
Newdale 62 89 15.8 2.7 5 5 39 32 32
Newdale-2 69 84 15.3 3.7 5 5 35 32 31
Pinnacle 51 90 15.9 7.7 5 5 38 35 27
Robust 74 85 15.5 3.3 5 5 38 33 28
Sangria* 56 76 16.8 4.0 5 5 22 18 33
Tradition 70 82 15.4 3.3 5 5 39 33 28
2ND32529 92 95 15.6 4.3 5 5 36 31 29
2ND34634 77 95 15.6 3.0 5 5 40 32 28
2ND34954 70 91 15.8 2.7 5 5 40 31 28
2ND35530 72 81 15.3 2.0 5 5 45 31 28
2ND35693 70 90 15.9 4.7 5 5 43 36 28
80675-52* 37 77 21.6 3.0 4 5 11 6 38
AAC Starbuck* 58 66 16.7 2.7 5 5 16 18 36
Site average 65 83 16.6 3.5 5 5 30 24 32
LSD (0.05) 9 12 3.3 2.1 1 NA 9 4 2
CV% 21 13 18 47.7 10 38 42 10

Table 5. Grain quality characteristics of malting barley varieties grown in Old Town and Mapleton in 2019.
† Thousand kernel weight.
‡ Deoxynivalenol (DON) is a mycotoxin caused by Fusarium head blight.
§ Protein is reported on a dry matter basis. Acceptable range is 9.5-12.5%.
≠ Kernel plumpness is measured as the percentage of barley that remains on top of a 6/64” by 3/4” slotted sieve after shaking.
# Rapid Visco-Analyzer (RVA) indicator pre-harvest sprout damage. Samples with RVA>120 are considered sound with high probability of maintaining germination energy in storage. Values below this level indicate sprout damage with severity increasing as values decrease.
¥ Germination energy is the percentage of kernels that germinate over 3 days under controlled moisture and temperature conditions. >95% is considered acceptable.
Test Wt. (lbs/bu) TKW(g) DON
Protein§ (%) Plump Kernels(%) RVA#
(stirring number)
Germ. Energy¥
Old Town
Old Town
Old Town
Old Town
Old Town
Old Town
Old Town
AAC Connect 47 50 46 48 0.0 0.0 8.6 10.1 91 97 67 50 97 97
AAC Synergy 47 51 44 49 0.0 0.0 8.2 9.7 94 98 147 60 96 97
Accordine 43 51 44 51 0.0 0.0 8.8 10.5 88 98 165 104 93 87
Cerveza 45 50 43 47 . . . . . . . . 96 97
Crescendo 38 51 47 58 0.0 0.0 9.6 11.0 93 99 114 167 90 90
Esma 47 50 48 53 0.0 0.0 7.7 9.8 95 99 176 158 93 98
Explorer 47 51 49 50 0.0 0.0 8.0 10.0 96 99 139 93 94 97
Fangio 40 50 51 59 0.0 0.0 8.5 10.4 91 99 98 98 87 94
Iconic 42 51 44 57 0.0 0.0 8.1 10.3 90 99 168 177 94 88
Klarinette 46 52 41 52 0.0 0.0 8.3 10.2 88 99 176 175 95 93
KWS Amadora 44 52 44 56 0.0 0.0 8.4 10.7 93 98 92 91 94 89
KWS Fantex 43 50 42 52 0.0 0.0 9.0 10.2 89 98 167 171 95 97
KWS Tinka 46 51 49 54 0.0 0.0 8.4 10.1 93 99 103 127 88 99
KWS Tinka-2 46 50 48 51 . . . . . . . . 95 97
LCS Genie 46 52 43 48 0.0 0.0 9.1 10.3 95 98 161 145 93 89
LCS Odyssey 42 53 42 55 0.0 0.0 8.7 10.0 89 99 142 164 93 90
ND Genesis 50 51 49 52 0.0 0.0 8.6 10.2 96 99 143 50 94 89
Newdale 47 50 42 47 0.0 0.0 8.7 9.8 86 94 170 95 94 95
Newdale-2 48 51 43 45 . . . . . . . . 94 100
Pinnacle 46 50 46 52 0.0 0.0 8.8 9.9 90 98 190 111 98 95
Robust 48 49 39 41 . . . . . . . . 96 98
Sangria 44 51 40 52 0.0 0.0 8.2 9.8 86 99 161 153 93 87
Tradition 48 50 38 43 0.0 0.0 9.7 10.5 92 99 170 104 97 97
2ND32529 47 49 47 52 0.0 0.0 8.2 9.5 96 98 149 40 93 90
2ND34634 45 50 51 49 0.0 0.0 9.0 9.7 98 96 128 48 96 92
2ND34954 48 51 50 54 0.0 0.0 9.0 10.0 96 99 147 137 96 99
2ND35530 47 49 50 51 0.0 0.0 8.6 9.9 95 98 125 58 97 87
2ND35693 47 50 51 53 0.0 0.0 8.7 9.2 95 99 132 103 98 98
80675-52 39 50 44 59 0.0 0.0 9.2 11.4 88 99 173 167 87 86
AAC Starbuck . . 45 50 . . . . . . . . 89 94
Site average 45 51 45 51 0.0 0.0 8.6 10.1 92 98 144 114 94 94
LSD (0.05) 1.6 1 2.9 3 . . . . . . . . 5 10
CV% 6.7 2 8.7 9 . . . . . . . . 4 7

Updated March, 2020.

This project was funded by a grant from the Brewers Association and Hatch Award number ME021815.

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