Old Sturbridge Village 4-H Trip

Join Oxford County 4-H on a trip to Old Sturbridge Village on Saturday, August 3rd.  We will travel together in a coach bus leaving the Oxford County Extension office at 7:00 am.  After arriving at OSV, participants will engage with museum educators in a workshop for our group.  

Date: Sunday, August 3, 2024
Time: Pick-up at 7:00 am, tentative arrival home by 10:00 pm.
Location: Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, Massachusetts

Cost: $25 per person (non-refundable fee includes bus transportation and entry pass to Old Sturbridge Village)

During this workshop, students work together to make a sweet treat over an open hearth. Led by a museum educator, students make a snack using 19th-century recipes (or receipts, as they were known in the 1830s). Participants read and interpret the recipe, measure ingredients, and get hands-on cooking experience. While the snack is cooking, educators orient students to 19th-century foodways and compare and contrast them with their lives today.

stage coach horse and buggy in front of home
Stage Coach in Sturbridge Village

Depending on the season, topics may include:

*  Food preservation and the seasonality of food in the 1830s

*  Children’s chores; gender roles in farming families

*  Herbal remedies

*  Exploration and examination of historic kitchen tools

*  Ingredients used in this workshop include: flour, butter, sugar, eggs, nutmeg, cinnamon, lemon juice

Additional activities include self-guided village tours, visiting the local shops on the OSV grounds, and interacting with costumed staff.  Bring a lunch or dine at one of the several options located on the property.

Register Here

Please register by Wednesday, July 31st, 2024

Disclaimer: Our registration system does not have the capability to put multiple quantities into one transaction at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Contact info: rebecca.mosley@maine.edu or cathy.gray@maine.edu