4-H & Youth Development
University of Maine Cooperative Extension conducts the state’s most successful out-of-school youth educational program through 4-H. 4-H is a positive youth development organization that empowers young people to reach their full potential.
Every year 4-H reaches thousands of youth in every county in the state of Maine! Youth participate in 4-H through clubs, camps, schools, afterschool, and special interest programs. Dedicated and committed UMaine Extension faculty and staff, and more than 1,200 volunteers, provide positive learning experiences for youth through
- 4-H Camp and Learning Centers;
- 4-H clubs;
- our Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) program;
- our Special Interest/Short Term programs; and
- our School Enrichment Programs.
Many Maine youth participate in more than one of our programs!
Thousands of Maine youth participate annually in projects focused on
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM);
- Healthy Lifestyles programs; and
- Youth Community Action/Engagement/Leadership.
Our Extension employees and volunteers are committed to
- creating positive experiential learning experiences for Maine youth;
- promoting and helping create positive relationships between youth and adults;
- creating and supporting positive, inclusive, and safe learning environments; and
- providing youth with opportunities to experience positive risk-taking challenges and growth.
Ways to Get Involved
- 4-H
- 4-H Camps and Learning Centers
– Bryant Pond
– Greenland Point
– Tanglewood and Blueberry Cove - 4-H Foundation
- UMaine K-12 Outreach