2021 Annual Report

University of Maine Cooperative Extension York County

cover image of the 2021 York County Annual Report
Download and Print: 2021 York County Annual Report (PDF)

2021 Annual Report

Our annual report features highlights of recent accomplishments and the difference we make in the lives of Maine citizens and their communities.

Download and Print: 2021 York County Annual Report (PDF)

From the Office of the Dean

Welcome to the University of Maine Cooperative Extension! We are located across the state in 16 county offices, research farms, 4-H camps and learning centers, and online. We are the largest outreach component of the University of Maine and reach more Maine people than any other entity within the seven-campus University of Maine System. Our work is focused on helping Maine communities thrive and we do so by connecting people to research-based information, education, and services. UMaine Cooperative Extension conducts the state’s most successful out-of-school youth educational program through 4-H, empowering young people to reach their full potential. Extension also helps support, sustain, and grow the food-based economy across the entire state of Maine. In addition, we partner with other organizations and programs to provide additional educational opportunities to a diversity of audiences across this state.

UMaine Cooperative Extension is determined to make a positive difference in our areas of excellence and beyond for the citizens of Maine. Explore our website, visit a county office, and contact our enthusiastic workforce.

— Hannah Carter, Dean

York County Extension Association

President: Sherrie Morrow, Kittery

Vice President: Kevin Dawson, South Berwick

Treasurer: Rita Kay Bergeron, Springvale

Secretary: Ellen McAdam, Springvale


  • Ellen Burke, Lebanon
  • Jim Chandler, Saco
  • Nathan Cole, Sanford
  • Amy Wentworth-Godfrey, Lebanon
  • Jackie Lipsky, Wells

York County Staff

Frank Wertheim, Extension Educator, Agriculture

Erin McDonald, 4-H Youth Development Professional

Susan Tkacik, Community Education Assistant, Horticulture

Donna Flint, Administrative Specialists and Community Education Assistant, 4-H

Elizabeth Clock, Administrative Specialists

Kristen Grant, Extension Specialist, Maine Sea Grant, Wells