York County Extension Association (YCEA Executive Board)

The York County Extension Association works closely with Extension faculty and staff at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension (UMaine Extension) to determine Extension educational needs and to carry out the county partnership responsibilities authorized by the Maine State Legislature.

York County residents are served by a statewide network of faculty and staff, serving the public in the areas of Agriculture, Natural Resources, 4-H/Youth Development and Nutrition.

2024 York County Executive Board and Members

  • President:
  • Vice President:
  • Treasurer: Nathan Cole – Sanford, Maine
  • Secretary: Ellen McAdam – Springvale, Maine


  • Amy Wentworth-Godfrey – Lebanon, Maine
  • Jackie Lipsky – Wells, Maine
  • Kate Coddaire – Kennebunk, Maine
  • ​​Debbi Michaud – Lyman, Maine
  • Sean Gorham – York, Maine

2024 Board Meeting Dates

  • January 9
  • February 5 (Special Budget Meeting)
  • March 11
  • May 13
  • July 8
  • September 9
  • January 2025- Annual Meeting/Open House Date TBD

DOWNLOAD: York County Extension Association Executive Board Handbook (PDF)

Board Member “Job” Description

Position Summary:

As a member of the York County Extension Association’s Executive Committee, you will help promote University of Maine Cooperative Extension programs that meet the needs and interests of area residents.


  1. Be familiar with programs and staff of the York County Extension Office.
  2. Attend regularly scheduled meetings (Bimonthly on 2nd Tuesday of the month).
  3. Participate, as needed, on organizational sub-committees such as finance, membership, annual meeting or public relations.
  4. Participate on search committees as necessary.
  5. Prepare, secure and oversee the operations of the county budget.
  6. Promote the work of the Extension and ensure accountability to citizens, county commissioners, legislators and other community leaders.

Time Commitment:

Election of Executive Committee members is held annually to fill any vacancies. The commitment is for a three-year term.  Meetings are usually held bimonthly on the 2nd Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m.  Sub-committees meet at a time and place convenient to their members to accomplish specific tasks.


  1. Interest in University of Maine Cooperative Extension and its educational programs
  2. General knowledge of people and their needs and issues in your geographic area
  3. Specific skills, knowledge and expertise as sought by the membership committee
  4. A genuine commitment to helping people help themselves


You will have an opportunity to meet new people from a variety of backgrounds, improve the quality of life for people in York County, and participate in county, state and national programs.

Join Your Community Today!

Do you want to become a member of the York County Executive Board, learn more information by contacting our office at extension.york@maine.edu.