Keeping Small Ruminants Healthy

UMaine Extension Extension specialist Dick Brzozowski with alpaca producers Ken & Claudia Raessler North Yarmouth, ME 04097

Sorry, registration has closed as the event is over.

Saturday, April 14, 2018
1:00 p.m to 3:00 p.m.

Foxcroft Veterinary Clinic Barn
1441 Dexter Road, Dover-Foxcroft, Maine

head of a goatSheep, Goat and Camelid keepers are invited to come to the Piscataquis County UMaine Extension Executive Committee sponsored program on Keeping Small Ruminants Healthy.

We are excited to offer this program featuring Catarina Ruksznis DVM who has had experience caring for small ruminants in her practice she works with in Vermont. Dr. Ruksznis is originally from Dover-Foxcroft.

The focus of the program is on what owners of small ruminants can do to prevent disease in their animals by learning what is normal in your animal, vaccination schedule, deworming, nutrition, foot care, basic veterinary care, etc. with live demonstrations.

Adults and accompanied youth are invited to attend this free program. RSVP to reserve a space by calling 564.3301 or emailing

PLEASE come prepared. You will need shoes that can be disinfected before going into the barn area. Washtubs with disinfectant and brushes will be provided at the entrance to the barn.

You will also need warm clothing for the class held out in the barn.

Please let us know you are planning to come since space is limited. Call 207.564.3301 or in Maine at 1.800.287.1491 or email

For more information or to request a disability accommodation, call 207.564.3301.