Oxford County 4-H June Jamboree
Oxford County 4-H June Jamboree Livestock Clinic, Working Steer and Horse Clinic is being held June 8 through June 10 at the Fryeburg Fair Grounds, 1154 Main Street, Fryeburg Maine.
Workshops are designed for youth completing project work in the areas of sheep, swine, working steer, and horse. Horseless riders are also welcome. Rabies vaccines will be available. A Big E Try Out for Working Steer is being held Sunday Morning.
Workshops will include washing, clipping, showmanship, animal handling, and learning activities around zoonotic disease.
There is a $20.00 registration fee for everyone attending. Camper space is available and meals will be provided starting with breakfast Saturday morning through lunch on Sunday. Check in begins Friday evening after 5:00 PM. For more information about Oxford County June Jamboree please email maisy.cyr@maine.edu or rebecca.mosley@maine.edu. This event is open to 4-H Families from all counties. Adults and youth must preregister online due to insurance regulations and to help with meal and activity planning.
Check with your UMaine Extension county office for the online registration link, which will be available soon. Registration deadline is May 25.