Summer of Science

This summer, Community Central Teen Leaders are joining teen leaders and interns across the state to teach the UMaine EPSCOR Summer of Science program.
The Summer of Science program consists of science sessions taught weekly at over 40 sites for six weeks. This year’s theme is Find Your Inner Engineer.
Youth participants across the state will help interns and teen leaders solve engineering problems as they think about how we could get materials to an island to build a clubhouse. Stay tuned to see what our young scientists learn and create!

You can follow Community Central on our Facebook page and find out more about the program on our website.
This material is based upon the work of 4-H Community Central Maine, a project supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, United States (U.S.) Department of Agriculture, through a cooperative agreement with The University of Maine under award number 2014-41520-22235
General information about the CYFAR grant program can be accessed online.
For further information about the CYFAR-funded project highlighted in this publication, contact:
CYFAR Project Name: 4-H Community Central Maine
Principal Investigator: Kristy L. Ouellette
Email Address: