4-H Summer Camp Programs — Register Now!
Registration is open for summer programs at the UMaine 4-H Camps and Learning Centers at Blueberry Cove, Bryant Pond, and Tanglewood for youth ages 8-17.
Camps start up June 24 and run through August 18 with week-long, two-week, and mini-camp sessions to fit your needs. Campers shape their experience through activity choice (STEM, swimming, archery, gardening, watershed and marine ecology, creative arts, boating, drama, group challenge and primitive skills), on adventures and trips, eating delicious home-cooked meals, and in wicked evening programs. Teen Leadership Programs build conscious young adults, through teamwork and community stewardship, and teach canoeing/backpacking skills while exploring Maine’s beautiful woods and waterways. Special scholarships for 4-H youth from the Maine 4-H Foundation and some scholarships for Conservation Education camps through Inland Fisheries and Wildlife at Tanglewood and Bryant Pond. To learn more visit our camp websites or contact your local UMaine Extension county office.