4-H Page Day in Augusta – February 6, 2020
UMaine Day at the Legislature, Thursday, February 6, is approaching. It’s a day where Cooperative Extension gets to highlight our awesome programs, and 4-H is one of the best! Since legislators like to see 4-H members from their districts, 4-Hers (age 13 or older) are encouraged to serve as Honorary Pages. The Maine 4-H program has up to 30 slots for Honorary Pages.
What does a page do? Legislators are constantly communicating and making decisions while in session and pages make that communication possible. Pages hand out information packets or place the paper information on their desks. Pages will also run communication and documents directly from legislator to legislator. It’s fast-paced and pages will be moving around the chambers quite a bit, taking direction from the Clerks. We will meet at 8:30 for 4-H pictures and an orientation. Then at 9:00 am we will divide our group with one going to the House and the other to the Senate where each group will receive their instructions. The session will begin by 10:00 am and will likely conclude around 12:30 pm, but the timing is never certain.
NEW: Bicentennial Exploration with the Maine State Museum! The Museum will host our group from 1:30-3:00 pm with a free interactive learning series they have developed around documents and artifacts from 200 years ago- giving everyone a new understanding of the process Maine underwent to achieve statehood. The voting might surprise you! What were the moral implications of Maine achieving statehood? Statehood is a messy process and we’re diving into it! Their Bicentennial exhibit will not yet be open, so they are offering us a sneak peek!
If you are interested in serving as a page, please email Alisha Targonski at alisha.r.targonski@maine.edu with the subject line “Page Day.”
We would love to pages from all over the state represented. Slots, representing different state senators and representatives, will be filled in the order they are received, but the final deadline is January 31. If the slot for your legislative district has been filled, your name will be added to a waitlist in the order it is received. Your slot will only be reserved if you send this complete information:
- Full Name
- Current Age
- Mailing Address, Town, Zip Code
- County (find it here: type town name into www.google.com)
- Phone Number
- Email Address (this is how we will confirm you)
- Name of your School/Homeschool
- Name of your 4-H Club
- Name of your Maine State Representative (find it here)
- Name of your Maine State Senator (find it here)
- Name of your Adult Chaperone
- Adult Chaperone’s cell phone number
4-H Honorary Pages will be in the Capitol from 8:30 am – 3:00 pm. A parent or 4-H volunteer must provide transportation and chaperoning. If you have questions, please let Alisha know.