
2014 4-H County & Regional Public Speaking Tournaments

Aroostook – Hancock – Kennebec – Knox – Lincoln – Penobscot – Piscataquis – Somerset – Waldo – Washington

2014 Guidelines for all Counties: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY

Updated January 1, 2014

Public Speaking Categories

  • Demonstration: A 4-H youth shows how to do something, while telling how it’s done. A demonstration is a “show how” and “tell how” presentation.
  • Illustrated Talk: A 4-H youth gives information about a subject and uses visuals to explain the topic, Describing how to groom a steer, showing the life cycle of a butterfly, or sharing about a family trip would all be examples of this type of presentation.
  • Team Demonstration or Team Illustrated Talk: As above, limit of two team members. Each team’s members (limit of two) must be from the same age division.

Age Categories

All ages based on the age of the 4-H youth as of December 31, 2013

  • Cloverbuds (ages 5 to 8): May participate in any public speaking category (listed above) at the club level for the experience. They may participate in the County Public Speaking Tournament, but not the Regional Tournament. They will not be judged, but they will receive helpful hints and gain much from the experience. Cloverbuds receive participation ribbons.
  • Juniors (ages 9 to 13)
  • Seniors (ages 14 to 18)

Presentation Time Limits

Official time keepers will deduct four points from the overall score if the presentation runs over/under the allotted time. The County Tournament chairperson has the right to stop a presentation that has exceeded the time limit.

  • Cloverbuds: 3-5 minutes in length
  • Juniors: 3-8 minutes in length
  • Seniors: 5-10 minutes in length

Club and County Public Speaking Tournaments

In order for youth to have their presentations at their best, encourage them to pick out their topics and presentation type in December. They should prepare and practice their presentations in January. It is suggested that 4-H members compete in a Club or School Public Speaking Tournament in February. Each club or school selects delegates to send to the County Public Speaking Tournament. If your county holds a County 4-H Public Speaking Tournament, Club, School & Independent delegate names must be given to the County Extension Office by February 19th in order to participate in the County Tournament. Include each youth’s name, 4-H age, club name, title of demonstration or illustrated talk, and whether it will be an individual or team presentation.

Contact your UMaine Extension county office to learn more about your 2014 4-H County Tournament.

Your number of delegates is based on the number of Junior youth (between ages 9-13) and your number of Senior youth (between ages 14-18) in your club.

If your club has 1-12 junior youth, you can send 4 delegates
In addition if your club has 1-12 senior youth, you can send 4 delegates

If your club has 13-16 junior youth, you can send 5 delegates
In addition if your club has 13-16 senior youth, you can send 5 delegates

If your club has 17-20 junior youth, you can send 6 delegates
In addition if your club has 17-20 senior youth, you can send 6 delegates

If your club has 21-34 junior youth, you can send 7 delegates
In addition if your club has 21-34 senior youth, you can send 7 delegates

Delegates from each club for the Junior and Senior divisions are determined separately. For example, if your club has 34 total members of which 22 are Junior youth and 12 are Senior youth, your club may send 7 Junior delegates and 4 Senior delegates for a total of 11 delegates. A team entry (2 youth presenting an illustrated talk or demonstration together), counts as one delegate. Each club should choose an alternate for each age division. Independent 4-H youth should connect with a local club to do their demonstration or illustrated talk. If unable to do so, please call your UMaine Extension county office.

Ribbons: All 4-H youth who give a club demonstration or illustrated talk should be awarded a ribbon. At the County Public Speaking Tournament, medals or ribbons will be awarded. Presentations will be judged based on the Danish System – see Judging Worksheet for more details on this. If your club needs ribbons for a club tournament, contact your County Extension Office to determine availability.

Regional Participation: All youth in the junior and senior divisions (ages 9 to 18 in 4-H years) participating in a County Public Speaking Tournament – or as viewed and judged by their individual UMaine Extension county office if no County Tournament is available – and receiving an average score of 120 or higher, are invited to compete at the Regional Public Speaking Tournament. The Regional Tournament will be held on March 29, 2014 (snowdate April 5) at the University of Maine, Orono, ME. Names of youth from participating counties must be given to Joyce Fortier, in the UMaine Extension Hancock County Office, by March 19th, 2014 in order to participate in the Regional Tournament. Please have your County Extension office contact Joyce at or at 207.667.8212 with youth information. Be sure to include each youth’s name, 4-H age, club name, title of demonstration or illustrated talk, whether it will be an individual or team presentation, and contact information.



  • A white POSTER done by the 4-H youth for the demonstration is required. Use bold black letters. State the ingredients or supplies needed plus state the source. It should not list the steps used to complete the demonstration. Size is at the discretion of the youth, but should not exceed one full posterboard.
  • TITLE POSTER is optional. Color, cut outs or drawings may enhance the page. If you choose to include a title poster, it may be a separate board or you may put it on the back side of the required poster.

Illustrated Talks

  • Must use visuals that enhance the presentation. These may include posters, objects, costumes, slide shows, hand outs, PowerPoint presentations and more.

Other Requirements

  • Live animals are not permitted.
  • All presentations should promote or identify 4H in some way, such as on posters, flags, tablecloth, or mentioned in oral presentation.
  • Please note that, while youth may have assistance from other 4-H youth, parents and other adults are not allowed to help in any way. Four points will be deducted from the overall score if there is adult participation in a presentation.

More How To Materials: These guidelines, judging sheets and rubrics, specific guidelines on preparing 4-H illustrated talks and demonstrations, including specific details for cooking demonstrations, and other materials are available at your UMaine Extension county office or at the 4-H website, where you can also find links to a short demonstration and illustrated talk video.

For more information, or if you have any questions, call your UMaine Extension county office or contact Lisa Reilich, 4-H Youth Development Professional for Hancock and Washington Counties: or  207.667.8212 or 800.287.1479 (in Maine) or 207.598.6621 (cell).