
Species Range Table with areas in first row for Alewife, circled.

Species Range Table with notation: These ranges are restricted to the open water fishing season between August and October. And with alewives’ parameters, first row of table, indicated with bold line circles: Listed by Species, Location, Temperature, Depth are the following: Alewife, Ocean, rivers, stream and lakes, 4-25 ºC, 56 – 100m; Tuna, Ocean (come to Maine coast seasonally), 19-24 ºC, 20 – 120m; Landlocked Salmon, Deep, cold large lakes and ponds that have rocky shores and bottoms, 10-24 C, 20 – 40m; Cod, Ocean, 0-13 ºC 20 – 200m; Lobster, Ocean floor on rocky, sandy or muddy bottoms, 17-28 ºC, 4 – 50m. Key at the bottom of the image reads ºC = degrees Celsius (Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion is subtract 32 then multiply by 5/9) and m = meters-Fish Illustrations by: Roz Davis Designs. Lobster image courtesy of Scarlett Tudor, Research and Outreach Coordinator, UMaine Aquaculture Research Institute.