SPIN Volunteer Quick Guide to Generosity

SPIN Volunteer Quick Guide to Generosity (PDF)

Generosity values and practices service to others. SPIN club members are encouraged to develop and practice skills that are helpful or useful in their community. Service to the community allows youth and adults to work together to help others. Community service also helps youth build discipline, learn respect, value civic responsibility, and participate in real world experiences.

Best Practices for Generosity Ways Volunteers Can Promote Generosity
  • Young people give to others in their community.
  • Brainstorm with your SPIN club members ways they can use what they are learning to help others in the community.
  • Work with them to plan and conduct a community service project. Involve family members if possible.
  • Young people can practice generosity in their everyday lives.
  • Ask the group for ideas and suggestions on ways that they can be generous with their family, fellow students at school, and others in the SPIN club.
  • Encourage members to be generous as they work together.
  • Thank members when they are generous to someone.
  • Young people give to others something they have made or created.
  • Brainstorm ideas with the group on things they can make to give to others. For example, young people who are learning
    • To make fleece blankets, make small fleece blankets for the pens of animals waiting for adoption.
    • To bake, bake quick breads or cookies for emergency responders and deliver them to the station.
    • To build robots, teach younger children how to build or operate one.

Adapted with permission from University of Illinois Cooperative Extension.