4-H Spring Fling May 11, 2024

Aroostook 4-H Spring Fling 

Saturday, May 11, 2024 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Southern Aroostook Ag Museum

(1678 US-1, Littleton, ME 04730)

We are excited to invite you to our first Aroostook 4-H Spring Fling.  We hope you will join us for a day filled with learning and fun.  Members will participate in activities that will help them prepare for fairs and projects, explore a new interest, and meet friends. 

Throughout the day, UMaine Extension staff, 4-H staff, and local volunteers will be leading our youth through workshops.  Each member will have the opportunity to participate in three of the workshops listed on the back of the page.  All of the workshops can be aligned with 4-H projects and/or opportunities to participate in the fair. 

Things to know…. 

  • Registration is required: You can also register by calling the office at 207.532.6548.  Deadline for registration, May 8th.
  • Lunch will be provided: We will be having pizza for lunch.  Please provide an accurate count on the lunch section of the registration to ensure that we can plan accordingly. 
  • Bring a friend: If you have a friend or family member who is interested in joining 4-H, please invite them to join us.  There is a section for their contact information on the registration form.  4-H staff will contact them regarding release and waiver forms. 
  • Door prize: All registrants will be entered into a door prize drawing. 
  • Dress accordingly: If you choose animal workshops, please wear appropriate clothing and footwear.  Failure to be properly dressed may result in an inability to participate. Many of the workshops will be held outside.  Check the weather and dress accordingly. 
  • Supervision:  Cloverbud members (ages 5-8) must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or a responsible adult appointed by the parent/guardian.  This cannot be an older sibling that is also participating in the event. 
9:30 a.m. Check In & Opening
10:00 a.m. Workshop Session
11:30 a.m. Lunch
12:30 p.m. Workshop Session
2:00 p.m. Workshop Session
3:30 p.m. Club Work, Fair & Project Help, and Q&A 
4:15 p.m. Closing
  • Have fun: In addition to the workshops, there will be other fun activities available throughout the day.  We understand that our cloverbuds may not have the interest or desire to participate in three workshop sessions.  Take breaks as needed, grab a snack, or visit the arts & crafts table.  This event is meant to be fun for all ages and interests. 

Workshop details are listed below. Review them with your child(ren) and have them rank their choices 1-6.  Members should be able to participate in their top three choices.

We look forward to seeing you on May 11th! 

To Register:  call 207.538.6548

Workshop Options

Please choose workshops by ranking them based on interest during registration.  We will do our best to ensure that members make it to their top three choices.  Early registration is suggested.

There will also be activities and arts & crafts available throughout the day that don’t require registration. 

Animal Health 

Presenter: Sadee Mehuren, Maine 4-H Animal Science Professional 

Join Maine 4-H staff in an interactive workshop that will teach youth the basics of livestock health indicators. Participants will work with live animals to conduct a routine health examination that can be replicated on their own animals. Whether you have livestock already or are interested in getting animals in the future, this is an excellent opportunity to practice the skills needed to keep your animals healthy. Projects or displays around animal health can be submitted to the Exhibit Hall (Division 02.01 Agriculture or the Bartlett Sign Contest).

Supper From The Soil 

Presenter: David Lowe, UMCE Horticulture Professional

Youth will create a container garden that can then be customized to their tastes and creativity. Show off your green thumb by entering your container in the new “Supper From The Soil Contest” at the Northern Maine Fair (Division 02.24 Garden Crops, Class 3). All materials will be provided.  

First Aid

Presenter: TBD 

Accidents happen, and knowing what to do is important to keeping yourself healthy and helping others in need. Youth will learn basic first aid skills and create a mini first aid kit that they can take with them to be prepared for minor cuts and scrapes.  Members can create an information poster or display to accompany their kit to submit to the Exhibit Hall (Division 02.27 Heath, First Aid, Safety & Emergency Preparedness). 

Egg-cellent Egg Exhibits 

Presenter: Lisa McKenna, 4-H Leader 

Learn how to create a submission for this year’s Egg-cellent Egg Contest at the Northern Maine Fair.  Participants will learn how to choose the best eggs for their market egg display. Members will also be introduced to the creative side of egg displays, and we encourage participation in the egg decorating class at the fair. 

Intro to Showmanship

Presenter: Meagan Smith, 4-H Leader

Are you interested in showing animals, not sure what to do, or maybe just want to freshen up your skills before fair season? Learn the basics of showmanship so you’re comfortable and confident stepping into the show ring. 

“Ag in a Bag,” and Butter too!

Presenter: Nancy Wright, Maine Agri Women Representative & Retired Educator

Cluck! Cluck! Cluck!  Are you ready to experience a fun and delicious life lesson you can carry home?  Let’s team up for a taste of agriculture using the classic fable of the Little Red Hen.  Who will help me make this bread?  From seed to plate, you will learn how to bake a flavorful bread and take home “Ag in a Bag,” and butter too!

*Allergies note – Ingredients being used to make the dough are NOT gluten-free.

For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, please contact:

Megan Cook

Aroostook 4-H Professional

