What would you recommend for an evergreen shrub to be used as a privacy hedge?


 I want to plant a privacy hedge with evergreen shrubs that grow no higher than 10 feet.  What would you recommend? 


Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional

Privacy hedges, like fences, can make good neighbors.  What that hedge is made of is impacted by the “look” of the garden.

To make the hedge fence like Pyramidal Junipers (see variety list for options) not only fill in to create a wall-like hedge but will need trimming regularly.  A mixed hedge of needle and broadleaf plants of varying sizes can be more natural and still provide privacy.  This bulletin from University of Minnesota is a good place to start (click on the underlined blue text to go to the bulletin).

When choosing plants it is always good to talk to your local nursery about what they recommend each part of our state has its own unique issues.