Should a new Shadbush be pruned to a single trunk or how many branches should be encouraged?


Should a new Shadbush be pruned to a single trunk or how many branches should be encouraged?


Jonathan Foster, Home Horticulture Outreach Professional

Pruning needs depend on what type you have–some species can be trained into a tree shape by pruning to a single trunk, if that’s the look you are shooting for, but most will grow naturally as multi-stemmed shrubs or spreading trees. In the first couple of seasons, only prune out diseased, damaged, or problematic branches (e.g. crossing branches), but after that they can be pruned more aggressively for shape.

Please refer to the following resources for more information:

University of Wisconsin Extension fact sheet for Amelanchier (spp.)

Montana State University Extension fact sheet “Growing Serviceberries”

Virginia Cooperative Extension page on Serviceberry

Happy gardening.