Rogers Farm Demonstration Garden

Address: 914 Bennoch Road, Old Town, ME 04428

Phone: +1 207 942 7396

View Website for Rogers Farm Demonstration Garden

icon of two people gardening at a garden plot
Collective garden plots

The demonstration garden at Rogers Farm is a showcase for creative theme gardens, unique plant varieties, innovative designs, and prolific vegetable gardens.

  • Total Garden Size: 6000 s.f.
  • Plot type: In-ground
  • Part of Harvest for Hunger: Yes
  • Contact: Kate Garland
  • Contact Email:

Planned, planted, and maintained by Master Gardener Volunteers since 1994, the intent is to demonstrate proper gardening practices and inspire both the novice and seasoned gardener. Rogers Farm is part of the Maine Agricultural and Forest Experiment Station at the state’s R1 public research university.

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Rogers Farm Demonstration Garden Photo Gallery (click to enlarge).