LOCAL Garden
Address: 63 Lemont Street, Bath, Maine 04530
The primary purpose of the KELT LOCAL Garden is to serve as a nearly year-round demonstration garden, with projects and programs to benefit adults and children. We achieve this by hosting field trips, rotating garden workshops, and different outdoor events at the LOCAL garden. The secondary purpose of the LOCAL garden is to decrease hunger and food insecurity within the Bath community. All of the food that is grown and harvested from the LOCAL garden is brought to the Sharing Table at the Gazebo at Library Park in Bath or is donated to the Bath Area Food Bank.
- Total garden size: 10,000 s.f.
- Plot Types: Low raised bed (<30″)
- Part of Harvest for Hunger: No
- Fee charged: No
- Contact: Emily Pistell
- Contact email: garden@kennebecestuary.org