What is the best way to keep my amaryllis blooming throughout the years?
I have a crop of fabulous amaryllis still in bloom. What’s the best way to keep them going through the years? Should I cut back the stacks and put the pots in a dark basement or garage til next fall, or should I put them outside this summer to rebloom as some people do?
The Univ of IL Extension has a fantastic guide to amaryllis here. In short, clip off blooms as they die (to prevent seed formation, which is using up the plant’s energy for something you aren’t promoting) but let the flower stalk remain as long as it looks robust, since it photosynthesizes. Then it goes into a bright window or outdoors for the year; care for it like a houseplant. To rebloom, it will need to go into a cool, dark basement or garage next late fall/winter–amaryllis requires an 8-12 week dormancy to re-initiate flowering. After that break, gradually warm it back up and then light, water, fertilizer.
Happy gardening.