Ask the Expert

What could be eating my basil seedlings?

Question: I just planted basil seedlings in pots and something is eating them.  What could be the culprit and what can I do to prevent it? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant Without knowing more about the damage or seeing photos, it’s tough to diagnose accurately. But I will point you to this excellent Clemson Univ […]

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How do I get rid of creeping clover from around my raspberry plants?

Question: I have a beautiful raspberry garden, but a few years back I planted creeping clover plants in a section of my flower garden near it and the tall creeping clover is all thru my raspberry area. How to I get rid of it without harming my raspberry Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant Because […]

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Can milkweed pollen get on nearby raspberries making them inedible?

Question: I have a milkweed question. Some sites I’ve read say all parts of the plant are poisonous. Others say you can eat it. I don’t want to eat it but I have a bunch growing in our raspberry patch. Do I need to worry about milkweed pollen getting on the berries?  Answer: Jonathan Foster, […]

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Should you use a herbicide to take care of Rosa Rugosa rhizomes?

Question: A neighbor of mine in ‘mistake’ planted a Rosa Rugosa. Last year, they had the mother plant removed, but through either rhizomes or seed, MANY new plants developed this year. They again have a company coming in to remove any visible plants/rhizomes. I think they will need to be diligent in spraying an herbicide […]

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How did dodder get in my flower garden?

Question: I’ve discovered dodder in the coreopsis in my flower garden. I am trying to stay ahead of a takeover by daily removal and sequester of cuttings. How did it get in my garden? Answer: Lynne Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional  Dodder is spread by a relatively heavy seed so it generally comes in […]

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What could be killing the dogwoods on my property?

Question: I have several wild alternate-leaf dogwoods on my property that have died previously. They are all located in a similar section of the property. There are two others nearby that are alive but look terrible, with leaves only at the top of the plant. I have not seen a bug or insect on the […]

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What is causing our maple trees to have black spots on the leaves?

Question: Our maple trees have big black spots on the leaves. My guess is it’s a fungus; is that likely?  For now, assuming it’s a fungus, what’s the best product to treat it with? The maples are fairly new and small, so spraying would be possible. Answer: Kate Garland, Horticulturist From what I can see, […]

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What are the small black bugs on my nasturtiums?

Question: A small black bug has taken over my nasturtiums! I’ve never seen an infestation likes this before on any of my plants. What are they and how do I manage them?  Answer: Caragh B. Fitzgerald, Associate Extension Professor Those insects are aphids.  Often aphids are not very problematic, but sometimes they can be severe […]

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