Ask the Expert

Should I plant wildflower seeds prior to winter or in the spring?

Question: I have a wildflower meadow and would like to plant more flowers. I have harvested quite a bit of Black-eyed Susan seed, as well as Mexican Hat and Coneflower seed from the meadow this summer. When should I plant the seed…prior to winter or in the spring? I have looked online and found both […]

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What are some deer resistant perennial bushes suitable for eastern Maine?

Question: I would like to surprise my daughter with a few perennial bushes (also deer resistant) for her yard and would like to know which ones are suitable for eastern Maine weather.  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant You can find excellent information on native plants for various needs (including deer resistance) on our Plants for […]

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How do you prepare potted perennial herbs for winter outside?

Question: I have several perennial herbs in five separate gallon containers that I can’t bring into my house for the winter. What is the best way to prepare these plants to winter over outside? I do have a baker roof attached to my garage that I could store them under. Should I cut them back? […]

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Can I overwinter my fennel plants in an unheated garage?

Question: I have three swallowtail fennel plants in pots. They are about 2 1/2 feet high.  Can I put them in an unheated garage?  Do I cut them back? Do I water them? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant While there are some varieties of fennel that are hardier than others and fennel can be […]

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What is the damage to our Japanese Maple leaves and how do you treat it?

Question: Our newly planted Japanese Maples (Red Emperor) has signs of insect damage to its leaves. Do you know what could cause this and how best to treat it? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant After bouncing the photos you sent along around among my colleagues to confirm first impressions, we are collectively of the […]

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What are your recommendations for planting hollyhock seeds in the fall?

Question:  I would like advice about planting hollyhock seeds this fall in Ogunquit.  Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional Hollyhocks can bring on conflicting directions as they can be perennial or biennial. Old-fashioned varieties are biennial and produce a plant in year one and flower in year two then die.  This information from […]

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Why are oak trees dropping clusters of leaves recently?

Question: Why are oak trees dropping clusters of leaves recently? Is it due to drought? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Community Education Assistant As it happens, this is a timely question and you aren’t the only homeowner who has noticed the clusters of leaf litter–we’re getting it about oaks and pines, as well. The culprit is most likely […]

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