Virtual Field Trips to Maine Aquaculture Facilities

A screenshot of the Lumpfishing section of the CCAR VFT, two people on a boat, one with a dip net in hand fishing over the side and the other bending over working on board to sort through seaweed looking for lumpfish.

Embark on a journey and explore the exciting world of Maine’s aquaculture industry with the Maine 4-H Aquaculture Education team’s Virtual Field Trips (VFTs). Our immersive experiences allow learners to virtually step inside aquaculture facilities, bringing them face-to-face with the fascinating processes of sustainable aquaculture. From the comfort of a browser or through the lens of virtual reality tools, these engaging excursions provide a unique opportunity to connect with industry experts, witness cutting-edge technologies, and gain a deep understanding of the vital role aquaculture plays in Maine’s food systems. Best of all, these virtual field trips are accessible at no cost, breaking down geographical barriers and making hands-on learning a reality for all.

Register below to gain access to the virtual field trips and associated learning guides. The link will automatically be emailed to you upon completion of the form. Dive in and discover the wonders of Maine’s aquaculture, wherever you are!

Preview the Virtual Field Trip to UMaine Center for Cooperative Aquaculture Research (CCAR)

Explore the “Juvenile Lumpfish Room” in the University of Maine’s Center for Cooperative Aquaculture Research (CCAR) in Franklin, Maine. CCAR has marine hatcheries where young fish, shellfish, and seaweed are grown for research and industry. The full version will be emailed to you automatically upon registration.

Click and drag the content below to look all around the “Juvenile Lumpfish Room” at CCAR. If this is your first time exploring a virtual field trip, we recommend watching this tutorial video for instructions on how to use this 360° platform.

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Virtual Field Trip Activity Guide

Each Virtual Field Trip includes an activity guide designed to help educators facilitate this experience for their learners. The full-screen version will be emailed to you automatically upon registration.

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Register for a Virtual Field Trip

The link will automatically be emailed to you upon completion of the form. Please be sure to check your inbox for a confirmation email. If you don’t see it, it might have landed in your spam or junk folder.

I am a...(Required)
Which Virtual Field Trip(s) would you like access to?(Required)
More field trips will be available in 2025. We will list the options here as they are available.
Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.
What ages/grades are your learners?
How do you intend to use this virtual field trip with your learners? (check all that apply)
We are seeking help to improve these learning materials! Would you be willing give us feedback on these learning materials?
Feedback can be provided by survey and/or focus group and we will contact you separately.
Are you interested in working with researchers to study how virtual experiences can impact learning?
With our research partners at Stanford University, we are trying to understand how educators are using this technology and how youth are learning from it. Stipends may be available for participation.


For more information or a reasonable accommodation, please contact Carla Scocchi, 4-H Youth Development Professional, at or 207.667.8212.

This work is supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center, and SEA Maine

Official identifier/logo for USDA NIFA, indicating this work is/was supported by the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture

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