Extension Office Closed – Happy New Year!
The Hancock County Extension Office will be closed for New Year's Day. Please email extension.hancock@maine.edu for assistance.
The Hancock County Extension Office will be closed for New Year's Day. Please email extension.hancock@maine.edu for assistance.
This is the monthly meeting of the Hancock County 4-H Leaders Association, which meets on the second Tuesday of every month except November and December. All 4-H Volunteers and members are encouraged to attend! If you cannot attend in person, please consider joining by phone 1.646.876.9923. Contact the Extension Office for support.
Sorry - Workshop Full Have you seen expensive greens on sale in the stores or markets? Join Master Gardener Volunteer, Martina Dittmar, to learn about growing your own shoots, sprouts, […]
Join 4-H Community Education Assistant, Zabet NeuCollins, on February 12th, 2020, for the workshop DIY Bird Feeders. Participants will learn how to make bird-feeders out of materials that you can find around your home! Participants will also learn about the Great Backyard Bird Count, a national citizen science initiative that helps researchers at the Cornell […]
Are you interested in birding? Join College of the Atlantic student Sage Fuller and community education assistant Zabet NeuCollins for a "Walk-n-Learn" workshop: Birding 101. Participants will learn the basics of birding wile exploring the Jesup and Hemlock trails in Acadia National Park. Bring a pen and notebook and wear warm layers. Free and open […]
Have you seen an amazing bird at your feeder? While you’re walking? Bring your observations to this ArtWaves workshop and make your own glass mosaic bird. These mosaics are beautiful window or garden decorations and will help youth observe the natural world in a creative way. A perfect way to bridge science and art! Free […]
Every 4-H member in Hancock County is encouraged to participate in Public Speaking! Youth choose a topic of their choice and then practice the important life skill of public speaking by presenting a Demonstration or Illustrated Talk. The event will begin at 11am with Cloverbud presentations, we will break for a potluck lunch, and resume […]
Join us! UMaine Extension presents Garden Chats: Growing Resilience from the Ground Up March 30, 2020, through April 23, 2020: 1-hour Zoom session every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday Starting Monday, March […]
Join us! UMaine Extension presents Garden Chats: Growing Resilience from the Ground Up April 2nd through April 23, 2020: 1-hour Zoom session every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday Today, March 30, UMaine […]
as UMaine Cooperative Extension offers an exciting afternoon of gardening inspiration! Beginning with a Panel discussion on Gardening in a Shifting Climate, we'll hear from Acadia National Park's Vegetation Biologist, UMaine Extension's Crops Specialist, and two experienced local organic farmers. Then join us for an afternoon of gardening workshops with topics like Growing Raspberries, Vegetables, Creating […]