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Cooperative Extension in Hancock County

4-H State Re-Enrollment Deadline

All 4-H Re-Enrollment paperwork should be received by the office by this date. Unfortunately we cannot make any exceptions to this statewide deadline.

Event Series 4-H Leaders Association Meeting

4-H Leaders Association Meeting

UMaine Extension Hancock County Office 63 Boggy Brook Road, Ellsworth, ME, United States

This is the monthly meeting of the Hancock County 4-H Leaders Association, which meets on the second Tuesday of every month except November and December. All 4-H Volunteers and members are encouraged to attend! If you cannot attend in person, please consider joining via Zoom video conference (very easy!) or by phone 1-646-876-9923, then enter the […]

Winter Sowing in Jugs Workshop – Brooksville

Reversing Falls Sanctuary 818 Bagaduce Road, Route 175, Brooksville, ME, United States

Learn how to sow seeds in January and forget about them until spring!  Martha Bunim Moss, Master Gardener Volunteer of Hancock County will teach hands-on how to use milk or water jugs as a mini-greenhouse.  You will learn, practice, and take home planted jugs to place outside.  Seeds will freeze and thaw throughout the winter, […]


UMaine 4-H Unconference

University of Maine College Ave, Orono, ME, United States

UMaine 4-H Unconference – a volunteer forum led by 4-H volunteers for 4-H volunteers.  UMaine 4-H Unconference is an organized forum for 4-H volunteers, club leaders, afterschool providers, teachers, parents, and teen leaders to gather.  UMaine 4-H Unconference is intentionally designed to have YOU teach and learn from each other. There is no agenda – […]

Event Series 4-H Leaders Association Meeting

4-H Leaders Association Meeting

UMaine Extension Hancock County Office 63 Boggy Brook Road, Ellsworth, ME, United States

This is the monthly meeting of the Hancock County 4-H Leaders Association, which meets on the second Tuesday of every month except November and December. All 4-H Volunteers and members are encouraged to attend! If you cannot attend in person, please consider joining via Zoom video conference (very easy!) or by phone 1-646-876-9923, then enter the […]

Cooking for Crowds workshop

UMaine Extension Hancock County Office 63 Boggy Brook Road, Ellsworth, ME, United States

Many organizations and community groups rely on volunteers for a variety of food events such as fundraising, fellowships, food pantries or other service to the community. But cooking for a crowd is tricky! How do you store all that food? When is the food completely cooked? How long can you leave food on the buffet […]


Hancock County 4-H Public Speaking Tournament

TBD Ellsworth, ME, United States

Every 4-H member in Hancock County is encouraged to participate in Public Speaking! Youth choose a topic of their choice and then practice the important life skill of public speaking by presenting a Demonstration or Illustrated Talk. Hancock County 4-H'ers must register online BY MARCH 1 to participate in the county tournament:

Event Series 4-H Leaders Association Meeting

4-H Leaders Association Meeting

UMaine Extension Hancock County Office 63 Boggy Brook Road, Ellsworth, ME, United States

This is the monthly meeting of the Hancock County 4-H Leaders Association, which meets on the second Tuesday of every month except November and December. All 4-H Volunteers and members are encouraged to attend! If you cannot attend in person, please consider joining via Zoom video conference (very easy!) or by phone 1-646-876-9923, then enter the […]
