Camp Discovery Organic Garden (CDOG) – Eastbrook

The YMCA Camp Discovery on Webb Pond makes organic gardening a part of the camp experience for scores of downeast youth.  As a volunteer on this project, you will join with other MGVs in assisting camp staff and counselors in the full gardening experience.  Volunteers have the opportunity to take part in crop selection, garden planning, soil analysis and management, creative approaches to integrated pest management, propagation, and harvesting and distributing of produce.  Additional opportunities exist with a newly constructed high tunnel, to employ techniques to extend the growing season.  The project is located at Camp Discovery, a beautiful location situated on Webb Pond in Eastbrook.  Produce from the project goes to feed the campers and to local food security programs.

Volunteers also have the opportunity to help staff and counselors in coordinating activities in the garden for the kids attending camp.

Volunteers on this project will typically spend 2-3 hours, one day per week, from April to October.  This would be all of the volunteer time an MGV would need to complete their 40 hours during the course of the season.  There is flexibility as to whether we work as a group or take on individual days in the garden.


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