Kale – Leptosphaerulina Leaf Blight
Leptosphaerulina sp.
Kale – Leptosphaerulina Leaf Blight Signs & Symptoms
- Host tissue. Infection may be secondary to black rot.
- Pseudothecia in infected tissue
- Pseudothecia in infected tissue
Kale – Leptosphaerulina Leaf Blight Pathogen
- Pseudothecia, vertical section
- Pseudothecia, vertical section
- Pseudothecium, vertical section. Ascospores obvious.
- Pseudothecium, vertical section. Ascospores in ascus.
- Pseudothecia, top view with ostioles obvious
- Pseudothecia, top view with ostioles obvious
- Pseudothecium, vertical section with two asci and ascospores
- Ascospores
- Ascus with ascospores