
Planning Your Backyard Orchard

October 7, 2020 – Wednesday, 12 noon to 1 p.m., online. Registration is required; a $5 donation is optional. Co-hosted by MOFGA and UMaine Cooperative Extension. Are you thinking of planting some fruit trees next spring? If so, now is the best time to start planning! Join us for the first webinar in our Fall Gardening […]

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Maine Center for Entrepreneurs Cultivator Program

MCE Cultivator Program. The Maine Center for Entrepreneurs is now taking applications from food, beverage or agriculture companies (including farms) that have a proven value-added product, a scalable business model and are ready to grow and scale up.  Participants are led by a full-time program manager with 20+ years of food industry experience who works […]

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Northeast Climate Adaptation Fellowship Program

Northeast Climate Adaptation Fellowship program is now taking applications through Oct. 1, 2020. This program is open to commercial farmers in the Northeast U.S. who grow vegetables and/or small fruit and to agricultural advisors who work with vegetable/small fruit farms in this region. The one-year program provides a peer-to-peer curriculum for farmers and advisors, and […]

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Recovery Grant Opportunity

The State of Maine just launched the Maine Economic Recovery Grant Program through the ME Dept. of Economic Development. The ME Bureau of Agriculture has also tasked a staff member to help farmers prepare to apply for the program, which has a VERY short application period (August 21- September 9, 2020). Grants up to a maximum of […]

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Economic Recovery Grant Program Established

Maine small businesses and nonprofits should apply for a newly established Economic Recovery Grant. The program will provide financial relief for businesses and nonprofit organizations that incurred business disruptions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Refer to this document (PDF) for eligibility criteria, distribution criteria, and the grant calculation formula. Register for an Informational Webinar Join the […]

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COVID-19: OSHA/FDA Checklist to Protect Food Industry Employees

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Food and Drug Administration jointly published a checklist for protecting food industry employees from COVID-19. The checklist is intended for persons growing, harvesting, packing, manufacturing, processing or holding human and animal food regulated by the FDA. The checklist includes the following considerations: Ensure employee health and a safe workplace; […]

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Calling Greenhouse Growers and Farm Service Providers

The Maine Sustainable Agriculture Society (ME SAS) is hosting two educational seminars with statewide significance for year round and season extension systems on small and mid-sized commercial Maine farms. The events will be delivered via ZOOM on two dates, Tuesday September 8th at 9:00am, OR Thursday September 10 at 4:30pm; the two times are scheduled to make […]

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Small Bites – Staying Healthy on the Farm

Authored by Coach Polly Shyka Small Bites are short, informational articles with practical ideas about stress reduction, improved communication, and farmer well-being. They are written by coaches from UMaine Extension’s Farm Coaching team. Farm Coaches are available at no cost to work remotely with farmers and farm families. Anu Rangarajan from Cornell’s Small Farms Project […]

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New England Women in Livestock Business

10-6-2020 to 10-15-2020 10:00am-8:30pm Cost:  Free For more information and to register visit NH Extension. During this program, women producers will have the unique opportunity to work closely in small groups with like-minded farmers from around the region. We are lucky to have UVM Extension Specialist, Mary Peabody, to lead us through this program. Participants will […]

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Small Bites – Methods of Communication – Part 1 

Authored by Coaches Abby Sadauckas and Polly Shyka Small Bites are short, informational articles with practical ideas about stress reduction, improved communication, and farmer well-being. They are written by coaches from UMaine Extension’s Farm Coaching team. Farm Coaches are available at no cost to work remotely with farmers and farm families. There are a plethora […]

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