The University of Maine Cooperative Extension is offering a 1-day course in professional lamb cutting/processing. This course includes both classroom and hands-on training. Participants will learn about: History of US meat production, consumer trends, humane handling and slaughter of livestock, meat quality, food safety, and labeling. Space is limited to 16 participants. For more information […]
Our farms are ecosystems. Many of our farmers in Maine already recognize the importance of what that means, and manage their farm accordingly. As such, your farm requires all the members of the Earth community to be present in order to be resilient and healthy. So carnivores need to be present. We are in a […]
Free for Maine Farms - The Maine New Farmers Project will cover the cost GenerationNext is optimal for producers who will be assuming greater management responsibilities within a farming, fishing […]
For more information for this free workshop, and to register, please visit the Financial workshop homepage.
Farm income and expenses are reported to the IRS on a Schedule F (Form 1040), Profit or Loss From Farming. This webinar addresses the tax reporting requirements for farmers, including […]
Cost: $199 Free for Maine Farms - The Maine New Farmers Project will cover the cost GenerationNext is optimal for producers who will be assuming greater management responsibilities within a […]