This two-session class covers swarming in-depth. We will cover swarm biology and behavior, how to prevent and manage swarming in your colonies, how to use Swarm Traps and swarm lures, and swarm retrieval. The course will be offered at the Falmouth Regional Learning Center and led by EAS Certified Master Beekeepers Erin Evans. To register, […]
Cost: $199 Free for Maine Farms - The Maine New Farmers Project will cover the cost GenerationNext is optimal for producers who will be assuming greater management responsibilities within a […]
The Cumberland County Beginner Beekeeping Course will teach beginning beekeepers the basics of honey bee biology and beekeeping. The 5 week course is designed for those considering buying their first hives, those in their first year, and even those with a couple of years of experience who want to enhance their skills and knowledge. Learn […]
For a full agenda and the link to register, please visit the UMaine Wild Blueberry Conference events page.