Financial Support for UMaine Extension in Piscataquis County

Without statewide support, UMaine Extension would not be present in your county. Funds for projects are provided through the University of Maine, Federal Formula Funds, grants, contracts, and fees. Dollars from other sources support salaries and benefits for Extension specialists, county educators, Extension administration, computer equipment and networking, publications, postage, telephone, and travel.

Piscataquis County



Salaries and Benefits $221,213  $15,900
Computer Equipment, Networking & Diagnostics $2,712 $1,600
Publications, Marketing, & Video $1,258
Postage & Telephone $1,602 $1,225
Local Programming & Office Supplies $1,226 $1,675
Travel $9,235
Office Space $60,015
Total $237,246 $80,415


Statewide Extension Funding

As a unique partnership among federal, state and county governments, UMaine Extension uses funding from Maine counties and the University to match and leverage support from the United States Department of Agriculture, other federal grantors, state agencies and private foundations. Each county UMaine Extension office is also part of a statewide organization and the national Extension system.

This pie graph illustrates the financial resources for programs offered, supported and managed out of the Piscataquis county office. Each year, Piscataquis county tax dollars support the UMaine extension with physical office space, support staff salaries, office supplies, equipment and some programming expenses.

Funding Sources 2016

2017 Statewide Extension Funding pie chart: University E&G $7,805,111; Federal Formula Funds $3,170,600; Grants and Contracts $2,671,755; County Funds $557,000; Gifts and Fundraising $337,135; Income from Operations $196,620
University of Maine
Maine Economic Improvement fund
Grant and Contracts
Federal Capacity Funds
Gifts and Fundraising
County Funds
Income from Operations

University of Maine Cooperative Extension Office