2019 March PCEA-EC Minutes

Minutes: Piscataquis County Extension Association Executive Committee Meeting  3/11/2019, 3-5 pm

Present: Members: Beth McEvoy, Karen Murphy, Carole Boothroyd, Gretchen Huettner, Ben Cookson, George McKay

Staff: Donna Coffin, Sheila Norman, Trisha Smith

Call to Order– President Beth McEvoy called the meeting to order at 3 pm. Karen Murphy selected as timekeeper.


  • Minutes of the December 10, 2019 meeting were approved, with one correction: “Colt Knight and Juan Romero…will present an afterschool program
  • The Treasurer’s Report was approved, with no corrections.

Program Updates

 4-H Program Update- Sheila Norman

  • SPIN Club Sew Much Fun met February 19, 20 and 21 with three participants.
  • The county Public Speaking Tournament was held on February 23, with 7 presenters from Piscataquis County and 6 from Penobscot County. Judges were George McKay, Rebecca Huettner and Barbara Lockwood. Timer/tabulators were Beth McEvoy and Shea-lyn Moulton. Seven presenters qualified to go the state tournament on April 6 at Corbett Hall, UMO. Judges and timer/tabulators are needed for that event.
  • Sheila will be at two science fairs, one at Dexter High School on March 14 and one at SEDOMOCHA on March 27. Youth will have an opportunity to learn about conductivity and electrical circuits using the Squishy Circuits science kit.
  • Two STEM Ambassadors will lead a group learning about forest and paper products for the Milo afterschool program which starts March 12th and runs for 7 weeks. 4-H volunteer Nancy Paprocki will lead a group making duct tape crafts and Kim Haffenreffer will lead a group learning about kitchen science and gardening. The group will take its annual trip to UMaine on April 17, as part of the program.

Home Horticulture Report – Trisha Smith 

  • There are 5 people training to be Master Gardener Volunteers.
  • The Dover-Foxcroft Area Food Cupboard expects to be moving to the Piscataquis Regional Food Center in June. It is hoped that gleaning efforts will be more feasible once the food center is running. Extension is developing a manual on gleaning that is slated to be ready by harvest season 2019.
  • Kacey Webber, PSWCD, is planning a June 21st Family Field Day at the Law Farm. Trisha will lead a kid-friendly pollinator activity and hopes it will lead to a Pollinator SPIN Club that would be included in the Passport Program. There is a fee of $5 for the event. Gretchen suggests that PSWCD waive the fee for Passport kids. Trisha will bring it up with Kacey.
  • Trisha will visit Mr. Murray’s class to let kids sample beets from Ripley Farm. Ben offered to donate golden beets for the event. Students will also start onion seedlings for MGV trainees who need them.
  • There is a need for leaders for the Dover Cove Farmers’ Market 4-H Club and for a new Pollinator 4-H SPIN Club at Law Farm.

Piscataquis Cooperative Extension Activities Report- Donna Coffin

  • Donna reports 8 contacts Feb-March 2019. Questions included: greenhouse, pork production, whole corn, value-added kitchen and pond weeds.

Upcoming Programs/Meetings

  • 18 people have signed up for Small-Scale and Backyard Greenhouse Management with Dr. Matt Wallhead on March 21, 10 am to noon at Piscataquis Extension Office, Dover-Foxcroft. ($10 fee)
  • Produce Safety Training with Dr. Jason Bolton, March 29 (snow date: April 4) at the Dover-Foxcroft Congregational Church, 8 am-4 pm.
  • 6 people have signed up for Pork 101: Beginners Guide to Keeping Pigs with Dr. Colt Knight is March 22 at the Piscataquis Extension Office in Dover-Foxcroft, 11am- 2 pm ($10 fee)
  • Hay and Pasture Workshop with Rick Kersbergen is March 25 at the Piscataquis Extension Office in Dover-Foxcroft, 6-9pm (free). Donna will look into live-streaming and archiving the event.
  • Small Ruminant: Disease Awareness and Screening is April 13 at Foxcroft Large Animal Veterinary Associates in Dover-Foxcroft, 1-4pm. The program features Hands-on fecal testing with Drs. Catarina Ruksznis, Beth McEvoy, Karen Murphy and FAMACH with Dr. Colt Knight. Volunteers are needed to transport tables and chairs.
  • Three tomato varieties will be ordered for the One Tomato TM 2019 program. The committee voted to approve $150 for the plants and supplies. Committee members signed up for plant distributions in May and June.
  • Maine Food and Agriculture Center-submitted research grant proposal with Dr. Juan Gomez and Dr. Colt Knight, looking at extending the storage time for brewers spent grains or wet brewers grains from craft breweries in Maine.

New Business

  • Carole reported that a Volunteer Fair is being planned in coordination with Tara Smith, to be held at the Commons in the fall.

The meeting adjourned at 5 pm. Next meeting: April 8, 2019 at Piscataquis County Extension Office, Dover-Foxcroft 3-5 pm.

Submitted by Carole Boothroyd, Secretary 3/23/2019